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Monday, April 25, 2022

Sonority Scouts - The Penguin and the Coaster Clans

For once, the Sonority Scout brand is out of April Fools territory like in the past and onto current Taiko-related fresh music gaming news! Following up the crossover with Ongeki, last week it was the turn of CHUNITHM to take a hold of REDALiCE's 8OROCHI, as also announced via official Twitter notice.

If you think that goroawase shenanigans were only a Namco-pursued habit, just take a gander at that max note count (in the Miss corner, given the video) to spot aquabluu/pikaby's patented 'handsome number', in reference to the song's name!!

One more fresh Taiko-related finding for the ending week, however, has to be searched away from Sega properties, with the latest DLC pack for the Groove Coaster series' Switch installment. Sure, the big talk of the day was the unheard-of collaboration notice with The World Ends With You, but longtime BanNam fans had fun not only with returning Taiko-playable medleys, but also with the debut of the iconic KAGEKIYO to boot, custom storyboard BG and all!

It's also nice how the hardest difficulty setting's note count (not the Max Chain, mind you) directly references the Nam-Combo value that is also shared by its Oni mode on Taiko, isn't it?