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Thursday, March 3, 2022

First Video: Misdeed and 8OROCHI (on Ongeki)

The fearsome Sega boss track from CHUNITHM STAR PLUS has landed on Taiko grounds, ready to cause havoc to every troubled Venomous Oni/Ura Full Combo deviant with its commonplace of 200 BPM to pack a punch in each of its notes.

And if that's not enough, there's also an Ura Oni setting that's eager to go one step beyond the former-Sega-crossover-darling Ikazuchi (no really, it literally has 1 more note in comparison to its Oni!) in one of the most brutal musical-notation piano-to-Taiko charting yet!

Misdeed -la bonté de Dieu et l'origine du mal-
  Takenobu Mitsuyoshi VS Daisuke Anayama/CHUNITHM
業 -善なる神とこの世の悪について-
  光吉猛修 VS 穴山大輔 「CHUNITHM」より

Down here, on the other hand, is REDALiCE's first Taiko-transplanted outing in foreign soil, with the latest update to Ongeki. It's not easy to make your avatar catch bells and dodge hazards/empty lanes while hitting a trio of colored buttons on the side, isn't it?