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Friday, December 17, 2021

Namco Taiko Blog (December 17th, 2021) - Taiko de Time Travel pt.10: BC

..really, do we even need to say something else to introduce the lineage of this upcoming track?

Nijiiro Version New Song: December 18th, 2021

Taiko no 2000
  Taiko de Time Travel BC/LindaAI-CUE
たいこの2000 / 太鼓 de タイムトラベル紀元前 / LindaAI-CUE
★? ★? ★? ?
Key: red = series debutblue = arcade debut

For the greatest Taiko de Time Travel jump yet, we jump from the Heian period down to the fabled 'Taiko no Mukashi' (太古の昔, or 'Ancient Times') of about 4000 years ago, with resident BNSI musician Linda AI-CUE unleashing his primal beast once more for the Taiko 20th Anniversary song project.

Picking back from the 'growth and progress' framing from the 60ies that was also addressed by fellow colleague Katsuro Tajima for his own Taiko de Time Travel song interview of a few months back, that song's creation grounds laid the base of the concept to be behind all of the Taiko de Time Travel songs: to find out which is the correct balance between "game specifications" and "timeliness" into each step down history road. Through trial and error, the result that would become the blueprint from where to start with the others was Daibouken Tatsudon, one track the very same Linda AI-CUE has also contributed for its making.

For the song that started it all on a timeline point of view, the idea underlining it is how the same sentiment of the 60ies' growth and progress found its roots way back on the clock, as familiar-sounding audio cues on these might lead you to believe that Tatsudon himself would have made his Showa opening theme based on how did the "old him" sounded like, almost as some really old tape with the earliest Tatsudon recordings was unearthed or something... not for anything, Linda AI-CUE himself was also the dialogue writer and SFX provider for Daibouken Tatsudon too! I wonder if the dreaded '120-frames hit' found its very origins in this 'dawn of time' song...

Wonder of all wonders, for the 26th song in the iconic 2000 series we have a notecharter that for once is not any of the former and current Taiko Team leaders! With Etou's thumbs-up approval of the final result steps in SueP, leaving a mark in the latest of Taiko gaming's most iconic song cycle with all the familiar aggressivity and cryptic-but-familiar messaging donders are used to spot and find. For Taiko no 2000, this manifests both in the song and on its charts, as key sentences might appear in many a way as the tension picks up! Tune in tomorrow to see how will it jam...

Once we step into the year 2022, the Taiko de Time Travel will make its biggest leap forward of them all, leading into the newly-revealed Super Future (超未来) theme! Stay tuned in order to hear about Camellia making us know what is the sound of a Taiko drum...

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