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Thursday, December 23, 2021

First Video: Nijiiro Version (Year 2)'s Winter Rewards Shop Debuts

From debuting talents to seasoned veterans, Bandai Namco-affiliated artists sure have the lion's share among the latest Rewards Shop rotation cycle! In the former camp, we find Cory Tarrow's jazz-tastic debut, while for the latter here's Rio Hamamoto with the third of his 'Rider' original songs.

It doesn't happen every day to find an Oni duo where the regular Oni is rated higher than its Ura counterpart, does it? After all, it's kind of expected for a background-percussion-based charting to be no match for a trial where different spacing and killer streams a-la Tank! Ura are to be accounted. Not that much of a difference on the notecount department either with Spectral Rider, but the aggressive drumming pace to hold in order to keep up is more than enough to elevate it higher than what came before it!

Agent Hustle & Dr. Hassle
      Cory Tarrow (BNSI)
Spectral Rider Rio Hamamoto (BNSI)