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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Twitter Snippets (March 23 2021): Duality of Donder, or What Happens if One Banapassport Has Two Profiles

We are now in the same week as the big version update to Taiko no Tatsujin (March 2020/Nijiiro ver.) on March 25. In case you did not check out the original post or our coverage, one of the major functional updates is the unification of the Japanese and Asian versions of the game, letting Japanese and greater-Asian Donders finally interact through Worldwide Rankings and more.

Here lies the question of the day: Given the severely cut content of the Asian version, it is not uncommon for greater-Asian Donders to travel abroad to Japan to experience the more complete version. Since the two versions are technically separate games, they would have made two Donder profiles on the same Banapassport card. What will happen to either should the unification comes?

Our Taiwanese acquaintance Woolala has contacted the customer support of Bandai Namco Amusement to get that answer for us, as shown in the above tweet.

The key determining factor is the number of credits played that each profile has amassed: only the profile with more credits played will be kept. If both profiles has the same number of plays, the situation will then be determined by the latest play date/time: the profile that is played more recently will be kept. It appears that Bandai Namco is NOT going to merge the two profiles in any situation.

While the decision makes sense for Donders who just casually played the Japanese version a few times, it lands much bigger impact to those who religiously travel to Japan to play the Japanese version, with a not-small proportion of past records lost.