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Monday, March 29, 2021

[PsVita] - The PlayStation Store's Confirmed Closure

After a few days of waiting, last week's rumored closure of digital shop outlets for some of Sony's consoles has been integrally confirmed with an official remark on the official website, with the Vita-pertaining share also being reported under this lines being a Taiko-related topic with both V Version and the Idolm@ster Must Songs games.

Starting from August 27th, the PlayStation Vita's digital store will be closed for good and no other purchases can be ever performed. However, all the users' pre-existing digital content libraries across all regions will still be available to re-download for the time being, meaning that any buyers of the three games' digital version and V Version's DLC packs alike can still redownload all the owned content to their systems through each user's Download List catalog.

In short, if you're planning to complete your digital collection on Sony's last handheld effort, time is running out...