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Friday, March 12, 2021

Twitter Snippets (March 12 2021): Why Does It Have To Be Chicks!? Nijiiro ver. Weekend Warrior for March 13

Continuing with the weekly rush to push out all the Faith Creation contest winners, this Saturday we have a duo that has already dipped their toes in the Taiko no Tatsujin series twice in the past. Listen to their contest submission here.

That leaves us with five winning songs left to make an official appearance, the list of which (as well as past contests) can be found in our "List of Tracks from Taiko no Tatsujin Music Recruitment Contests".

March 2020/Nijiiro ver. New Track: March 13 2021

Hiyoko Kanteishi-san Rish feat. Choko
ひよこ鑑定士さん/立秋 feat.ちょこ
★? ★? ★? ★?
Key: red = series debutblue = arcade debut