Today marks the end of the latest Taiko contest's song submission phase, for tunes to be premiered in the upcoming arcade tournament that will span across 2021's latter end and 2022's beginning.
Normally, we'd have chronicled its journey throughout a small primer of song submissions every Friday as per entry olist update day for the contest, but this one in particular has been... not as entry-filled as the previous one, to be quite honest. Up to Thursday two weeks ago, only one song page was available for everyone to listen to, and the day after just one more page was added! With last Friday being the last one occurring during the submission phase, two more pages have been added for us to talk about and (of course!) for everyone to listen to; we don't know if more song previews are yet to come, but this might as well be the very last update batch...
Enough with the introductory talk though- some notheworthy names among the contestants have been appearing among the contestants as well! We'll be pinpointing somne of them right under these lines:
- Zesei Meppo (是生滅法) by Reiji Sakurai (桜井零士) and Kuroa*, the latter currently being the indie vocalist with the highest amount of parcitipation among SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH contests, with many a song starring his voice being featured in bemani games in general. The former is quite the name as well, considering his old links as a former inhouse bamani musician mainly for pop'n music songs!
- Unlimited Games (アンリミテッドゲームズ)
by Ponchi♪ and Haxchi, the same couple who secured a four-hands victory in the Faith Creation contest with Nijiiro Baton. Will they be able to perform a consecutive hat trick like many contest-famed artists before them?
- Iza, Mairimasu! (いざ、参ります!), by U-ske and Itsuki Nazume (棗いつき). Strong of both arcade and mobile cameos, the composer already made the Taiko rounds with the Namco Original Youthful Coaster, maging a comeback with the aid of the same vocalist backing him up for select SOUND VOLTEX songs in the past (Comet⇒Skater; Planeta Journey).
- SSS.U.N. by Se-U-Ra, another winner from the previous Taiko song contest as the maker of the Nijiiro Year 1 Dojo Ranking main trial juggernaut Hakanaki wa Gensho ni Mau. Similar to other returning winners coming back with the song style that lead them to victory, the artist is opting for a full-instrumental piece once more... but will it be enough to melt the competition away?
- I Need You Now by RiraN, a prolific BMS composer who already put himself into the Taiko fore during the last contest with the track The Darkness, ... but with no avail. Is such a negative streak going to be halted?