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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Twitter Snippets (October 21st-28th, 2020) - We Missed Stuff, feat. Show Your Moves + New Taiko Switch Feature

Last week, the Taiko no Tatsujin official Twitter account wasn't only keen on reminding people about the latest arcade going-ons, as there have been a pair of nuggets that escaped our radar.
The first of which involves the release of a partnership video with Japanese online store Asobistore, starring a sextet of dancers giving their coreographies to a quartet of songs available in Taiko gaming. While the Idolm@ster SideM tracks may not be everyone's stick, it's safe to say that your average Taiko fan might have a bigger investment on how to dance with Angel Dream and Saitama 2000, wouldn't you agree?
Be sure to stick with us 'til the end, as there has been some interesting developments that date to this very day!
Following up a bugfix tweet related to Nijiiro Version's AI Battle Performance, there also has been this short quip alluding to the final steps of the current arcade firmware's very last Dojo Ranking main trials! Hinting to a late November release, all we can do until that is mind the wait for further details.
What is a more fresh reveal, instead, is today's announcement for the coming of that one feature some official tweet earlier in the month already hinted to... that's right- private online matchmaking on Nintendo Switch Version/Drum 'n' Fun is about to become a reality!

From the tweet-embeded screenshot and the dedicated section on the game's website, it appears that the 6-digit-shared-codes private matches will work just like a local 2P session, only available in two different flavors: Score Attack mode to play under the same difficulty setting and Simple Play, where different mode setting can be chosen. Game options for both modes are here as well (score hiding/items ON/OFF, ...), including the exclusion of performance characters selection just like the regular 2P local sessions.

Expect this online mode to come as a free update (as free as the required NSO subscripton gets) this Winter!