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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Twitter Snippets (October 2, 2020) - A Private Trick or Treat Event on the Nintendo Switch (Addendum 2020/10/03)

Addendum (2020/10/03): Taiko Team has retracted the previous tweet and reposted the correct version (with no mention of "private matches") in the evening of 2020/10/03. But you know the saying "what goes on the internet stays on the internet"? Yeah...

Before all, a minor site announcement: instead of separate posts every time, we are going to consolidate Online Ranking Match info into monthly posts. See the first post (October 2020) that we are doing this way.

The meat of this Twitter Snippets post is also about the Online Ranking Match of Nintendo Switch Version/Drum 'n' Fun, especially the October 2020 Reward Missions. However, we are going to take you through the discovery together instead of saying what it is right away.

First, we invite you to compare the screenshot posted officially by the Taiko Team on Twitter (above) and a Japanese screenshot by a common Donder on Twitter and spot any difference. For an English reference, you can check our Reward Mission list (as linked above) or an English screenshot made by Nedmara from the Taiko no Tatsujin Discord.

Sharp-eyed readers should find that the third Greetings mission specifies that you can also satisfy the 50-play total with "Private Matches" (プライベートマッチ) in the Taiko Team's screenshot but not in the public version. Those currently owning a copy of Nintendo Switch Version/Drum 'n' Fun should know that online matches/tournaments can only be done through the native matchmaking algorithm, and there is no option for private rooms with friends so far.

Has the Taiko Team accidentally used an unreleased beta version to take the snapshot, or is it a deliberate preview on their part? And when will such update drop (like on or around the next batch of DLCs on October 8)? Stay tuned to official channels and us for updates.