Artist: LindaAI-CUE
Vocals: Takahashi (as sensei)
Note: Lines in 【】 brackets are not part of the lyrics, they are part of the stage play setup. They will not be made to have pronunciations in Japanese. Entire conversation takes place between the editors (henshuu) and the master (sensei).
マイッタ コマッタ…(繰り返し) (maitta komatta...(repeat))
編集:「先生、できました?」 (henshuu: sensei, dekimashita?)
え、マジ? (e, maji?)
タイ・ヘン・ダ! (tai-hen-da!)
先生:「今書いてまーす」 (sensei: ima kaitemasu)
編集:「先生、まだですかぁ?」 (sensei, mada desuka?)
先生:「もうすぐ~」 (mousugu~)
編集:「先生~、先生~」 (sensei~, sensei~)
まだできない 〆切すぐ (mada dekinai shimekiri sugu)
(も少しだよ 〆切待って) (mou sukoshi dayo shimekiri matte)
待たせてるの 〆切すぐ (mataseteru no shimekiri sugu)
(あとチョットだよ 〆切) (ato chotto dayo shimekiri)
え、マジ? (e, maji?)
タイ・ヘン・ダ! (tai-hen-da!)
編集:「先生、できましたぁ?」 (sensei, dekimashita?)
先生:「もうすぐできまーす」 (mou sugu dekimasu)
編集:「先生ー、まだですかぁ?」 (sensei, mada desuka?)
先生:「もうすぐだってばぁ」 (mou sugu datteba)
先生:「今書いてまーす」 (ima kaitemasu)
編集:「先生!」 (sensei!)
煮詰まってきます (mitsuma mattekimasu)
(〆切迫る) (shimekiri semaru)
焦りも募る (aseri mo tsunoru)
(〆切迫る) (shimekiri semaru)
編集:「先生ー!書かないと来週で打ち切りですよ!」 (sensei! kakanai to raishuu de uchikiri desuyo!)
先生:「もうすぐできまーす」 (mou sugu dekimasu)
編集:「センセイ!」 (sensei!)
先生:「すいません、もうちょっと」 (suimasen, mou chotto)
編集:「センセイ!!」 (sensei!!)
もーすぐ、もうすぐできます…」 (a, mou sugu dekimasu, mou sugu dekimasu, mou sugu dekimasu...)
編集:「先生、センセイ!!」 (sensei, sensei!!)
先生:「もうちょっとだけ、もーちょっと、もうちょっとだけ!」 (mou chotto dake, mo-chotto, mou chotto dake!)
編集:「先生!!!」 (sensei!!!)
ドン! (don!)
先生:「…デ、で、できましたぁ…」 (, dekimashita...)
English translation
(The stage is set. Backdrop is in a certain small tropical town, at night)
(Today, the editing team is rushing to complete copies of manuscripts demanded by their master)
I give up, I'm worried...(repeat)
(The editors sound a bell to call the master)
Editor: Master, is this complete?
eh, what?
We're in trouble!
Master: Start writing now~
Editor: Sensei, are we done yet?
Master: Close~
(editors knock on the master's door)
Editor: Master, master~
It's not complete yet, the deadline is near
(Just a little bit more, wait for the end)
Waiting there, the deadline is near
(Just a little bit more, the deadline)
eh, what?
We're in trouble!
Editor: Master, are we done yet?
Master: Just a little bit more
(moment of silence)
Editor: Master, not yet?
Master: Just a little bit more
(editors, annoyingly ring the bell many times)
Master: Start writing now
Editor: Master!
We are being boiled down
(forced to meet the deadline)
Getting impatient and fidgety
(forced to meet the deadline)
(editors make banging sounds with their fingers)
Editor: Master! We can't finish, just leave this till next week!
(editors ring the bell and knock on the door violently)
Master: Just a little bit more
Editor: Master!
Master: Excuse me, just a moment more
(editors start kicking the door)
Editor: Master!!
Master: Ah, little bit more, little bit more, little bit more...
Editor: Master, Master!!
Master: It's just a bit, a bit more!
Editor: Master!!!
Master: You're..d..done...
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