Friday, December 31, 2010

Don Point cheat

In the same way the game modifiers are used in the PS2/PSP games, the Don Point counter can be sent straight to 99999 without any effort by just opening a new profile and entering a specific name. No Action Replay needed!

Taiko Drum Master is the only Taiko game with Don Points that doesn't have this cheat.

Taiko no Tatsujin: Atsumare! Matsuri da! Yondaime- Set your player name to 'Master' (ますたぁ), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin: Go! Go! Godaime- Set your name to 'Taikono' (たいこの), then change it again to 'Tatsujin' (たつじん), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin: Tobikkiri! Anime Special- Set your name to 'Taikono' (たいこの), then change it again to 'Tatsujin' (たつじん), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin: Wai Wai Happy! Rokudaime- Set your name to 'Taikono' (たいこの), then change it again to 'Tatsujin' (たつじん), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin: Doka! to Oomori Nanadaime- Set your player name to 'Point' (ぽいんと) then change it again to 'Max' (まっくす), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable- Set your name to 'Taikono' (たいこの), then change it again to 'Tatsujin' (たつじん), then change it again to 'Portable' (ぽたぶる), then play one song
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2- Set your name to 'Taikono' (たいこの), then change it again to 'Tatsujin' (たつじん), then change it again to 'PortaTwo~' (ぽたつ~), then play one song

Back to Taiko secrets page 

Console game modifier list

Game modifiers were introduced gradually into the series, so the earlier games do not have any modifiers outside of Autoplay, and the later PS2 games have an incomplete set. The full set of modifiers was completed in Taiko PS2 Nanadaime. Note that all modifiers on the PS2 and PSP Taikos require opening a new profile and typing in a specific name. Standard unlocking methods and the ability to use and change game modifiers at will were only introduced from Taiko DS1 onwards.

Staff Interview: Aquabluu

Who are you and what are you doing here?

Like I'd ever tell anyone my real name, outside of whoever's following me on Facebook :P I will tell you though, that I live in Malaysia, where there are quite a decent number of Taiko no Tatsujin arcade machines, albeit a lot of outdated, broken ones. I'm the head admin of Taiko Time, and I run the site, make articles, and mediate everything else by other site contributors.

When did you start playing Taiko?

July 2007, when Taiko no Tatsujin DS 1 was released. I decided to give it a go since I've heard quite a few things about the PS2 games in the past. Recognized the Pokemon theme song 'Together' and the Mario Bros. Medley. Those two brought me into Taiko easily.

What was your first console Taiko version?

Taiko DS1, like I said.

What was your first Taiko arcade version?

Taiko no Tatsujin 8, which I found lying at a nearby mall five months after I played DS1. It introduced me to a wider world of Taiko mastery.

What are the versions of Taiko you've played before then?

Console: DS1, 2, 3, Wii1, 2, 3, 4, 5, PSP DX, 3DS1, 3DS2
Arcade: 8, 10, 11, 12 Asia, 12.5, 13, 14, Momoiro, Kimidori

What's your favorite console/arcade version?

Wii3 for consoles because of the grand songlist and crazy challenging songs, some of which are completely new. Gotta love Black Rose Apostle. Also, any Taiko version with Kimi no Akari in it is a winner in my book. As for the arcade, it's common sense to like the latest version with the newest songs and bigger variety, so Kimidori.

What's your favorite control method?

Anything that doesn't involve shoulder buttons. Four fingers are much more difficult to coordinate than just using your thumbs. Besides, if I used the shoulder buttons to play Taiko DS, they would have been long broken by now (they're flimsy). As for the Wii version, I don't have a Classic Controller, so I rule the game on sideways Wiimote.

What about on the arcade?

I'm a lefty, and prefer the left drum. I have my own set of drumsticks made out of a broom stick, and they're much lighter. Made clearing the hardest songs a lot easier

How long do you usually play Taiko?

About an hour on average on console, and ten songs on the arcade in one go.

What's your favorite genre?

Do I even need to say it? Namco Original! The one with the toughest songs and the most fan service! Not to mention a lot of the songs are actually well-composed.

What's your favorite song and why?

Challenging and tough songs actually make for good listening, but none come close to Kimi no Akari, the ending theme of Taiko 13. It's a 5* difficulty song, quite easy, but very sweet and touching. You simply have to listen to it to know why I like it so much. It's the kind of memorable song you'd expect to play at a graduation ceremony, or the end of a long romantic movie.

What's the song that gives you the most trouble?

Can't I say Joubutsu 2000? Okay, that's the one song which would frustrate anyone and everyone, so I'll pick another. I'll go with Rotter Tarmination Ura. Although passing it is within my limits, I simply can't get a great score on this thing because of how damn tiring it is, especially on arcade. I can see the ending streams but by then I'll be too tired to even try hitting them. And I hate two-by-two note clusters. They're the most confusing things in ever.

What's your least favorite song?

This is an easy choice...Youkai Dochuu Ki Ondo. Worst sounding Namco Original song ever made, lousy music and the middle part is completely incomprehensible. Negaigoto Puzzle, also in Namco Original, comes a close second for spamming notes without making any sense at all.

Do you actually like any of the side modes/minigames in Taiko?

I do, actually. The boss battles in Taiko Wii 2 and the RPG story mode in DS3 were great fun!

What do you want to see from Taiko in the future?

I say we're good as it is :) Just keep on bringing the new songs and I'll be happy. If there's one little thing I want though, it's for the song Punishment to make it into a console version of Taiko, and for the arcade versions to gain more popularity outside of Japan/HK.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Namco Taiko Blog (27 December 2010)- Special collaboration within rhythm games!

Today, the Taiko Team has revealed something spicy for rhythm-games addicted. A significative Namco cameo will break into the frenetic action of Music GunGun 2, a popular Taito arcade.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Taiko Guinness Hall!

Various records set by Taiko songs throughout the entire history of the series! May change in the future when new songs are introduced.

Song of the Week! 25 December 2010


Hi there, folks! It's an almost creepy coincidence that this year's Christmas Day happened to be on a Saturday (we didn't make this column with holidays in mind), so let's go with a Christmas Taiko song!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Console Taiko sound list

The console versions have a vast variety of Taiko sounds not seen on the arcade before, even from the PS2 games and up. It's cumbersome to list out how to unlock each individual one, as they differ through each game, and not much info is published online. However, we'll try as best as we can to provide the methods when possible! If we have written about how to unlock them, we'll link to that page here.

Taiko Dojo

From Taiko no Tatsujin 7 onwards, the Taiko Dojo mobile service was added, increasing the fun factor and providing a sense of achievement by rewarding arcade performance even further. The service is free, of course, and open to anyone in Japan with a mobile internet service and the ability to scan QR codes. After a normal play on the arcade games (and right before the Game Over screen), this is displayed if you hit the rims once (nothing needs to be hit from Taiko 10 onwards)



Composer: Kohta Takahashi (太高橋)
Singer: Reiko Nagase (玲子長瀬)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No Way Back Lyrics

Original Version

Composer: Go Shiina (椎名豪)
Vocal: Ben Franklin (ベン・フランクリン)

Battle against the spirits! Taiko DS 3 Boss Battles

The bosses of Taiko no Tatsujin DS3 are all monsters and ghosts from Japanese mythology, and are fought RPG-style to the tune of one of the unlockable songs in the game. Note that since it's a DS game, high-quality videos are not easy to come by, but if there's any, we'll place them here right away!

Basically the story revolves around Don-chan being pulled into a portal to ancient Japan, where he meets a young girl tanuki named Ponko, who had just recently lost her father and wants your help to find him. Your adventure takes you throughout Japan, clearing bosses and beating monsters along the way in traditional, random-encounters typical of RPGs.

Spoiler warning ahead.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Back online

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Any of you who have tried to access the blog for the past few days may have noticed that the blog redirects to a non-functioning page called No, we weren't hacked. Let me explain.

Originally the plan was to move out of to our own custom domain. I mean, who doesn't want to have their own website name rather than having 'blogspot' in your address to remind you that the site doesn't belong to you? Rokodo was in charge of looking for a server for us, and he found one- together with making us a brand-new, epic banner design and our very own favicon!

All was going well, except the domain part. The reason why was a blank page was because the site hadn't been set up properly yet. The process was supposed to take only a few hours, and up to two days max, but as you saw, three days passed and still the DNS processing decided to screw with us. Trust me, I'm just as riled up as you guys about it. Don't blame Rokodo though, he was only trying to help make the site a better place. After all, he did a lot already.

Not that we didn't have anything to do during Taiko Time's downtime. The Pokemon series page is now up, along with the regular Song of the Week article. Work is going on as normal.

I decided to swap back to the .blogspot address until Rokodo sorts things out. I'm really sorry this happened and I apologise for any inconvenience caused. I hope all our fellow English-speaking donders will continue to support us as the prime non-Japanese Taiko no Tatsujin fansite!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Song of the Week! 18 December 2010


Well, sorry for being late and all, but site maintenance brought us down! More on that later though, let's see the song of the week.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii unlock guide

Oni difficulty- Clear 20 songs on Muzukashii (Hard)

Game Modifiers
Reverse notes (Abekobe あべこべ)
-Clear 50 songs on Kantan (Easy)
Invisible (Doron ドロン)
-Clear 50 songs on Futsuu (Normal)
Quadruple speed (Yonbai よんばい)
-Clear 50 songs on Muzukashii (Hard)
Sudden Death (Kanpeki かんぺき)
-Clear 50 songs on Oni

Note for Story mode: Each phase of Don-chan's forms have five levels each, and Don-chan changes form after the fifth level is completed (i.e. Tamashii gauge filled Don-chan to full five times). The game begins at Don-chan being in Baby form, level 1. Rewards are unlocked at level 2, 3, etc. The order is: Baby -> Kindergarten -> Student -> Gangster -> Mekadon -> Black -> Mekadon -> Normal Don-chan -> Gold

Unlocked automatically after playing in Play Mode and leveling up Don-chan a certain number of times (listed below).

To see pictures of the costumes, click here.

Taiko Sounds
Taiko (太鼓): Available by default
Drum (ドラム): Available by default
Wooden Fish (もくぎょ): Available by default Wada-Don (わだどん): Baby Don level 2
Fart (おなら): Baby Don level 3
Tambourine (タンバリン): Baby Don level 4
Robot (ロボット): Baby Don level 5
Donko (どん子): Kindergarten Don level 2
Fireworks (はなび): Kindergarten Don level 3
Thunder Taiko (カミナリ太鼓): Kindergarten Don level 4
Monster (かいじゅう): Kindergarten Don level 5
Laughter (おわらい): Student Don level 2
Feeling Good (きもちイイ): Student Don level 5
Metal Taiko (メタル太鼓): Gangster Don level 1
Gangster Don (ツッパリどん): Gangster Don level 3
Gorgeous Taiko (ゴージャス太鼓): Black Don level 2
Daisuki (だいすき): Black Don level 4
Kodama (こだま): Clear Story Mode
Bachi o Sensei (バチお先生): Get Taiko hit counter to 10000
Cheer Squad (おうえん): Get Taiko hit counter to 30000
Synthesizer Drum (シンセドラム): Get Taiko hit counter to 40000
Dog/Cat (いぬねこ): Get Taiko hit counter to 60000
Soiya (ソイヤ): Get Taiko hit counter to 70000
Hero (ヒーロー): Get Taiko hit counter to 80000
Explosion (爆発): Get Taiko hit counter to 90000
Sexy (おいろけ): Get 200 gold crowns
Super Fart (超おなら): Get to 'Taiko God' rank by completing Everyday Challenge Dojo stages

Sengoku Sangen (戦国三弦)
-Kindergarten Don level 1
Yozakura Shanikusai (夜桜謝肉祭)
-Student Don level 1
Donko's First Date (どん子のファーストデート)
-Student Don level 3
STAGE 0. ac11
-Student Don level 4
Warera Muteki no Dokon Dan (われら無敵のドコン団)
-Gangster Don level 2
Hole in the wall
-Gangster Don level 4
Mekadesu. (メカデス。)
-Gangster Don level 5, Don-chan gets sent flying by Donko and replaced with Mekadon
Happy de Rippa! (ハッピーでリッパ!)
-Play 10 songs as Mekadon, Don-chan returns and transforms to Black Don level 1.
Menkui Miracle (メンクイミラクル)
-Black Don level 3
Kaze no Fantasy (風のファンタジー)
-Black Don level 5, taken away by Kodama, replaced by Mekadon again (10 more songs to staff credits)
The Carnivorous Carnival
Densetsu no Matsuri (伝説の祭り)
-Transform Don-chan to Golden Don (play 10 songs after Taiko counter reaches 99999 or after staff credits, whichever comes last)
Rotter Tarmination
-Get 100 golden crowns
Toccata and Fugue and Rock (トッカータとフーガとロック)
-Clear 100 songs
Kare Kano Kanon (カレ・カノ・カノン)
-Clear 200 songs
O Sole Mio (オーソレ・ミオ)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 20000
Republic Praise (リパブリック産科)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 50000
Taiko March (太鼓のマーチ)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 76500
Saitama 2000 (さいたま2000)
Kechadon 2000 (ケチャドン2000)
Koibumi 2000 (恋文2000)
Yokuderu 2000 (よくでる2000)
Taberuna 2000 (タベルナ2000)
Kita Saitama 2000 (きたさいたま2000)
Soroban 2000 (十露盤2000)
Tenjiku 2000 (てんぢく2000)
EkiBEN 2000
X-DAY 2000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 99999

Back to Taiko Wii 1 song list

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Taiko Wii 3 failed to break top 10 in opening week

From Media Create numbers, Taiko Wii 3 sold 29,328 copies from December 2(launch date) to December 5, the end of the sales week, and landed in 12th spot in the sales charts. It's a pity, as Taiko DS3 performed a whole lot better during its debut, shifting in excess of 69,000 copies when it first came out. Guess not many people are interested in the Wii games anymore.

The blame isn't on Taiko Wii 3 being lackluster though (it still has enough content to make fans scream)- together with it on the sales chart are many, many other heavy hitters competing for gamer's wallets, not least the juggernaut that is Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and the continuing success of megaton games Gran Turismo 5 and Pokemon Black/White. Also joining the top 10 are three different Mario games, Sports Mix, vs Donkey Kong, and the 25th Anniversary All-Star collection. Taiko Wii 3 never stood a chance.

Hopefully it stays on the chart longer, as long as it's being consistent, after the dust around Monster Hunter, Mario and Pokemon settles.

1. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP) - 1,950,717
2. Takes of Graces F (PS3) - 215,187
3. Mario Sports Mix (Wii) - 59,007
4. Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem (DS) - 57,474
5. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) - 55,682
6. Pokemon Black/White (DS) - 54,848
7. Super Mario Collection Special Pack (Wii) - 45,904
8. Momotarou Dentetsu WORLD (DS) - 45,126
9. Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO (PSP) - 36,856
10. Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO (Wii) - 35,132
11. Wii Party (Wii) - 30,900
12. Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Minna de Party Sandaime! (Wii) - 29,328

Game Music Showcase: Soul Calibur

Soul Calibur is one of Namco's two signature fighting game series, the other being Tekken. It is the second game in the Soul series, the first being Soul Edge in 1996. The game series then grew out of using different words after 'Soul', and simply went on to become its own line of games, with sequels tacking on a number after the title Soul Calibur. It was released in Japanese arcades in 1998, and then ported to Dreamcast in 1999, and instantly became a smash hit.

The Soul Calibur saga introduced several innovations 3D fighting game genre, in the same way Street Fighter II brought up 2D fighting. Its main success was not just the graphics, but the character movement. Unlike any other 3D fighting game before it, Soul Calibur introduced an Eight-Way Run system for the fighters to move along the third axis more freely, allowing the environment in the fighting arena to be viewed from all angles, and later features multiple environments for characters to bash their way in despite not having free roaming access to different parts of the stage whenever they want. It is also the fighting game series of focus when guest fighters are concerned; featuring characters from different universes altogether, and most of them very unexpected!

Soul Calibur songs have an epic feeling when played on Taiko, as the team chose carefully to pick out only the most powerful sounding themes from the SC games, and they remain some of the most satisfying songs to play in the Game Music genre.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Don-chan in Japan's Top 10 Most Beloved Characters

From Sankaku Complex, and found by Zekira.

Japanese were asked to rate their most loved games characters based off games released in 2010. Here are the rankings:

1. Mario (New Super Mario Bros) [9,862]
2. Hatsune Miku (Project Diva 2nd) [6,420]
3. Date Masamune (Sengoku Basara 3) [4,333]
4. Naked Snake (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker) [4,142]
5. Ailu (Monster Hunter Diary : Pokapoka Ailu Village) [4,033]
6. Reshiramu (Pokemon Black) [3,208]
7. Wada-Don (Taiko no Tatsujin DS  Dororon! Youkai Dai Kessen!!) [2,962]
8. Nene Anegasaki (Love Plus) [2,446]
9. Totori (Atelier Totori) [868]
10. Black Heart (Choujigen Game Neptune) [707]

Mario wins, Reshiram is there purely because he's the new legendary mascot Pokemon, and Hatsune Miku is because of the Project Diva game. Don-chan is 7th on the list, which is still pretty awesome.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Dodon! to Nidaime unlock guide

Taiko Sounds

Works on Taiko 11 and newer
On the difficulty selection screen, while Don-chan is on Kantan (or the tutorial), hit the drum's left rim once. To change the sound to the one you want, keep on hitting the left rim till you get to the one you want.

For console Taiko sounds, click here.

Basic (for all versions of Taiko)
-) Taiko (太鼓)

Taiko 11
-) Wooden Fish (もくぎょ)
-) English (えいご)
-) Farts (おなら)
-) Dog/Cat (いぬねこ)

Taiko 12/ 12.5/ 13/ 14
-) Amazing Drum (すごい太鼓)
-) Rock Drum (ドラム)
-) Tambourine (いいタンバリン)
-) Don/Kat! (わだどん)
-) Gong (ドラ)
-) Hand Clap (手拍子)

Back to Taiko Secrets page

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Song of the Week! 11 December 2010


Another Namco Original this Saturday. Which one is it?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Joubutsu 2000 lyrics

Composer: Linda AI-CUE
Instrumental: Sariya Baboucarr (サニヤ・バブカル), MC Linn (林欽立)
Vocals: Shoko

Namco Taiko Blog (9 December 2010)- Taiko Portable 2 Download Pack 8

It's that time of the month again, when Namco announces it's monthly two-song pack for the ever expanding songlist of Taiko Portable 2. The songs for December are:

Future Lab (フューチャー・ラボ)
Toccata and Fugue and Rock (トッカータとフーガとロック)

Both songs will be available for download on the 15th this month, so keep a reminder! These two songs really aren't half bad, though I wouldn't mind something with more Christmas mood since it's the end of the year and all. They talk briefly about Twitter immediately after the main business is done with, and in the source code too.

Link to original post

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dream Taiko Land minigames

There are altogether seven minigames in Taiko Wii 3's extra mode, Dream Taiko Land, each exploring a completely different theme from one another. They're pretty fun alone, but of course, better with friends.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Minna de Party Sandaime unlock guide


<< 5. Console Taiko Gaming - Where to Start?

A list of difficult words and terms used in the world of Taiko no Tatsujin. If there's any difficult words you've encountered while reading our articles (particularly Song of the Week/Song Series), you'll probably find a brief and easy explanation here.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Taiko Wii 3 new Ura Oni video collection

Taiko Wii 3 delivered another big surprise to Taiko fans when the song list was fully revealed- not only did it have more Ura Oni difficulties than its predecessor, but there were seven new ones not seen on any other arcade before it! (Taiko Wii 2 simply ported old Ura Oni difficulties and didn't introduce any new ones). Not including the 2000 song replacements in Taiko 12.5, Wii 3 is the current record holder for most Ura Oni difficulties ever made on a single Taiko version (if 14 doesn't break that record). Many of them are upgrades of old songs or harder versions of fan favorites. And unlike Taiko Wii 2, the lower difficulties of the Ura versions are not regular notes, but completely new ones (i.e. Ura Muzukashii ≠ regular Oni, Ura Futsuu ≠ regular Muzukashii). More effort was definitely put into crafting these seven alternate notecharts.

Namco Original Showcase: ~ de ~ Songs

The 'de' series is a small corner of the Namco Original genre, and rarely got any attention though it was good enough to spawn four different songs. Part of why it is is so small despite being one of the oldest song series is due to its nature- each of them is heavily reliant on wordplay and Japanese puns, which definitely are not easy to think of.

The song lyrics of each of them are also full of wordplay (except Desert de Yakiniku, which has no lyrics). The one common feature of all the songs in this series is the word 'de' in between two other words, and 'de' is spelt out in English letters instead of で. Difficulty varies widely between songs.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Classic Showcase: Classic Medleys

The Classic Medley series is exactly what it says on the tin; multiple famous classical compositions mashed together into one song by Namco, heavily remixed, and then each given a theme or a backstory. The medleys introduced multiple different songs in one go so multiple notecharts need not be made for each individual song. Many songs in these medleys have since come out on their own slowly to become Taiko songs (like Ode to Joy from the Rock version). Each of these medleys have 'Classic Medley' in their titles, followed by the theme they are given. Some of these are quite old, so footage is hard to come by!

Song of the Week! 4 December 2010


Amidst the excitement for the Taiko Wii 3 songlist, this week's feature comes from the past. Ready? 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hikari no Kanata e (Ura)

Normal Oni video

As you can see, the alternative Oni version of the latest revived song presents the SAME patterns involved into the fight with Arumi-Alluminium in Taiko Wii 2. Just no bombs and new Kantan/Futsuu/Muzukashii modes are the differences between arcade and console games! ... Namco is getting lazier?

Guess what song this is?

Glaroid Room found this as a challenge in the Daily Dojo in Taiko Wii 3. It's a very familiar opening note pattern to Taiko fanatics! :P

Wani Wani Panic minigame

A video of one of seven minigames in Taiko Land. Just watch- you'll pick up the play method pretty fast.

Taiko no Tatsujin 14 arcade code 3

Conditions: After Taiko no Tatsujin 14 code 2 has been used
Number of songs unlocked: 2
  • Hikari no Kanata e (ヒカリノカナタヘ)
  • Kurofune Raikou (黒船来航)
Ura difficulty unlocked: Hikari no Kanata e (ヒカリノカナタヘ)

Slot in your coins and stay at the Title screen. Hit the rims of the drums the listed number of times in this order.

    Player 1            Player 2
 Left     Right      Left     Right
   1                                  1
If the code is successfully inputted, a sponge cake will appear on the lower-right corner of the title screen:

Back to codes list

The waiting is over!

Our countdown ends today, with the release of Taiko no Tatsujin Wii - Minna no Party Sandaime! For the occasion, other videos about the new songs are awaiable on its song list; see it for yourself, if you don't want to spoil the unlockables!

But this advertisment has another aim. Since we have left alone Taiko 14 for several weeks, it's time to announce that the 3rd secret code has just released! This time it involves 2 old songs, for fans's joy.

Kurofune Raikou explores once again the arcade scenario, getting an high placement on the Namco polls of popularity (8th place) as for Hyakka Ryouran, the other Garyoutensei song revived so far. But from the near past comes the arcade debut of Hikari no Kanata e, back from the 2nd Wii game with a brand new Ura mode!

Videos about the "new songs" and Wii3 minigames are coming soon! Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii 3 COMPLETE song list

The song list in the Console Games page is full of pictures and fluff, made for more detailed browsing. Here's a simple list containing the song titles and nothing else. Credits to Glaroid Room for leaking the list early. Enjoy!

Total songs: 71
Total Ura Oni difficulties: 10
Grand total: 81

J-Pop (9 songs)
Ponytail to Shushu (ポニーテールとシュシュ)
Ring A Ding Dong
Mata Kimi ni Koishi Teru (また君に恋してる)
Tamashii Revolution (タマシイレボリューション)
Kimi ga Iru (キミがいる)
Soba Kazu (そばかす)
Hero (ヒーロー)

Anime (10 songs + 1 Ura Oni)
Sanpo (さんぽ)
Sanpo (さんぽ) (Ura)
Gake no Ue no Ponyo (崖の上のポニョ)
Tensou Sentai Goseiger (天装戦隊ゴセイジャー)
GO-GO Tamagotchi! (GO-GO たまごっち!)
Saikou Everyday! (サイコー・エブリデイ!)
Kimi ga Shuyaku Sa~! (君が主役さっ!)
Alright! Heart Catch Precure (Alright! ハートキャッチプリキュア!)
One day
Tomeidatta Sekai (透明だった世界)
Yuukai Tsuukai Kaibutsu-kun (ユカイツーカイ怪物くん)

Variety (2 songs)
Pirameki Taisou Taiko de Metabo Yattsukero! no Maki (ピラメキたいそう 太鼓でメタボやっつけろ!の巻)
Black Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター)

Classic (10 songs)
Alborada del Gracioso (道化師の朝の歌)
Symphony No. 7 (交響曲第7番から)
Flight of the Bumblebee (熊蜂の飛行)
From the New World (新世界より)
The Nutcracker Suite (行進曲「くるみ割り人形」から)
Montagues and Capulets (モンタギュー家とキャピュレット家)
Classic Medley (Rock ver.) (クラシックメドレー(ロック編))
Entertainer (エンターテイナー)
Toy Symphony (おもちゃのシンフォニー)
Fantasie Impromptu (幻想即興曲)

Game Music (11 songs + 1 Ura Oni)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (New スーパーマリオブラザーズ Wii)
Monster Hunter Medley (モンスターハンターメドレー)
No Way Back
No Way Back (Ura)
Overmaster (オーバーマスター)
Make Inu Henjou feat. Kani Prince (負け犬返上 feat.蟹プリンス)
Namcot Medley (ナムコットメドレー)
Doom Noiz

Namco Originals (28 songs + 8 Ura Oni)
Popcorn Parade (ポップコーン★パレード)
Arumujika ac14.0V(アルムジカac14.0V)
SORA-III Heliopause (SORA-III ヘリオポース)
Taiko Time (タイコタイム)
Dream Tide -Yume no Chouryuu- (Dream Tide -夢の潮流-)
Uchuu Samurai (宇宙SAMURAI)
mint tears
Yumeiro Coaster (夢色コースター)
Gekkabijin (月下美人)
Hataraku 2000 (はたラク2000)
Ikasama Pirates (イカサマパイレーツ)
Theremin Rhapsody (テルミン狂想曲)
Dajare de Oshare (ダジャレdeオシャレ)
Dajare de Oshare (ダジャレdeオシャレ) (Ura)
Zeihen ~transformation~ (蛻変~transformation~)
Zeihen ~transformation~ (蛻変~transformation~) (Ura)
Shunyuu ~happy excursion~ (春遊 ~happy excursion~)
Shunyuu ~happy excursion~ (春遊 ~happy excursion~) (Ura)
Be The Ace
Takkyu de Dakkyu (卓球de脱臼)
Off Rock (オフ♨ロック)
Jigoku no Taiko Jiten (地獄の太鼓事典)
Neko Kujira (ねこくじら)
Taiko Ranbu - Kaiden (太鼓乱舞 皆伝)
Haikei, Gakkou ni te... (拝啓、学校にて・・・)
Haikei, Gakkou ni te... (拝啓、学校にて・・・) (Ura)
Kimi no Akari (きみのあかり)
Kimi no Akari (きみのあかり) (Ura)
 Metal Police (めたるぽりす)
Metal Police (めたるぽりす) (Ura)
Saturday Taiko Fever (サタデー太鼓フィーバー)
Saturday Taiko Fever (サタデー太鼓フィーバー) (Ura)
Black Rose Apostle
Black Rose Apostle (Ura)
Joubutsu 2000 (万戈イム一一ノ十)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Taiko Wii 3 Official Update post

All updates from Glaroid Room.
Will be updated whenever Glaroid Room posts something new.
Spoiler alert removed. The game's unofficially out and Youtube videos are coming. HQ will be put in separate posts once available.

31. Final update. Theremin Rhapsody and Ikasama Pirates were the final unlockables. Talk about getting us into suspense mode...Glaroid, you card. Anyway, that's one more song in Wii 3 than advertised, so it's all good. The whole song list is out. We're good to go! 71/70
30. Clarification on Joubutsu 2000. 万戈イム一一ノ十 is segments of kanji characters separated to form other words. 万戈 is 成, イム is 仏, and if you read 一一ノ十 vertically it's 二千 (two thousand). Therefore when put together it's  成仏二千 =  成仏2000. 'Joubutsu' means to go to heaven/ die peacefully.
29. Sanpo low quality Ura Oni video. It's the 1/6 equivalent of Yawaraka Ura!
28. Black Rose Apostle low-quality Oni video and Ura Oni video. This is pure insanity...
27. Another secret goodie sees the light of the day! Joubutsu2000 takes a step away from the "regular" 2000 succession with the japanes equal of numeration (from 万戈イム一一ノ十, the two lines mean 1, while ノ十 refers to a thousand). 69/70
26. Third last secret song is out! Doom Noiz, a game music from Galaga Legions. 10* Oni with 961 notes, Glaroid reports, hardest song in the game, worse than Black Rose, worse tham Metal Hawk BGM1. 68/70
25. Popcorn Parade finally unlocked. Oni 8*. 67/70
24. Sanpo Ura Oni (a.k.a Yawaraka Ura the 2nd) 9*, 816 notes. Kimi no Akari Ura Oni 8*, number of notes not mentioned.
23. Dajare de Oshare Ura Oni 8*, 714 notes, Metal Police Ura Oni 9*, 765 notes.
22. Saturday Taiko Fever Ura Oni also 9*, total 600 notes
21. Shunyuu~happy excursion~ Ura Oni 9*. First for the Kikyoku series. Total of 700 notes
20. 'しかし隠し曲が出ないです。どうしたものか。
テーマソングの解禁条件はなんとなく分かるとして他が謎で' Glaroid is at a loss on how to unlock Popcorn Parade XD
19. Taiko 14's remaining open Namco Original unlocked, NECOLOGY. Wow, played at 2am too. 67/70.
18. One old secret song, Neko Kujira. Powered up from the old map, is now Oni 8*. 66/70
17. Ikasama Pirates and Theremin Rhapsody may not be part of the song list, as they're only playable in Dream Taiko Land and not found on regular play mode. I'll increase the number of songs to be revealed for now. 65/70
16. Remember, the three secret songs yet to be revealed do not include Popcorn Parade!
15. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is 9* Oni, Sanpo Ura is also 9* Oni. Kimi no Akari's Ura is not known yet, but hopefully it's awesome.
14. Two old secret songs, Taiko Ranbu Kaiden and Namcot Medley from the Taiko DS1 era. 67/70
13. Black Rose Apostle has 876 beats on normal, and 914 on Ura Oni, and is poised to be the new generation Taiko hell. Screenshots of the Ura Oni mode (one, two <--what the hell ) and sound sample.
12. Black Rose Apostle is the secret song shown in Namco's cut-out screenshot from two weeks back
11. Bigger bombshell! At 99999 on the Taiko hit counter, the Ura Onis show up, but it's way, way bigger and better than any of us has ever expected. Ura Oni for existing songs Saturday Taiko Fever, No Way Back, Shunyuu~happy excursion~, Zeihen~transformation~, Haikei, Gakkou ni te..., Sanpo (the Totoro song), Dajare de Oshare, even Metal Police and Kimi no Akari! This is too good to be true...oh, and one new song from here, Black Rose Apostle. Also known as the new generation Taiko hell....with Ura mode and all! Screenshot here. Taiko Time Ura is MIA though. 65/70
10. Bombshell! Five secret songs in one go, and all of them should be music to fans' ears. Zeihen ~transformation~, Haikei, Gakkou ni te..., Kimi no Akari, Metal Police, Saturday Taiko Fever. Screenshot here. 64/70
9. Official lyrics for BE THE ACE, Dream Tide, Dajare de Oshare, Yumeiro Coaster and mint tears.
8. Two more ANCIENT secret songs, Off Rock and Jigoku no Taiko Jiten. Both have been upgraded and engorged with new notes, standing at 8* and 9* Oni. STILL....why all the revisiting of Taiko history? 59/70
7. Two old secret songs, BE THE ACE and oddly enough, Takkyu de Dakkyu. That wraps up the remaining de series songs...but what about the arcade 13/14 songs? 57/70
6. One new secret song, Alborada del Gracioso, 8* Oni in Classic. Come on, where are the wanted Namco Originals? 55/70.
5. Two new secret songs, Ikasama Pirates and Theremin Rhapsody No.42 (both Namco Originals). Screenshots here and here. Looks like Dream Taiko Land has their own theme songs too, first one for the Pirate Ship boss and second one for the Haunted House. 54/70
4. Third secret song, Shunyuu ~happy excursion~. YES. 52/70
3. Second secret song, Dajare de Oshare, the first and oldest song in the 'de' series. Why all the oldies? 51/70
2. First secret song: Fantasie Impromptu. 50/70 songs (49+1 theme song which has to be unlocked)
1. The disc is out, and it's Don-chan's face. Again. 48 songs from the beginning, that's everything shown on the official site, including Hataraku.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Minna no Party Sandaime song list

Taiko no Tatsujin Wii Minna no Party Sandaime

The third Wii Taiko no Tatsujin, released on December 2010. As the title 'Minna de Party' would suggest, Taiko Wii 3 places emphasis back on the Wii casual audience, allowing up to 4 players on one screen at the same time, which hasn't ever been done before. It's cramped, but it works fine. To add to it, the main gimmick this time are the seven minigames of the Dream Taiko Land, 4 of which involve drumming skills, and the remaining three harks back to the PS2-era minigames, which is a welcome addition.

That isn't to say Taiko Wii 3 has ignored the fans of the Oni metagame though. Continuing on from Taiko Wii 2, Minna de Party finishes off the remaining Taiko 13/14 generation songs not already seen in Wii2/DS3. And in a very unexpected twist, after several unremarkable unlocks involving old songs (though they've been updated well enough to justify their presence), the Ura Oni unlock presented many surprises, giving many popular and new songs Ura Oni difficulties never before seen on any arcade (previously, Taiko Wii 2 simply ported Ura Onis from arcades, but didn't introduce any new ones). Many unexpected new songs came through Wii 3, including the Xbox 360 music Doom Noiz from Galaga Legions, and a new, unconventional 2000 song.

In other minor news, the loading screen has been tweaked to feature less blinding colors and now shows the song title while waiting for the song to start playing. Returning Wii features like Everyday Taiko Dojo, Miis, song lyrics and the mailbox are here, though there are no costumes or alternate Don-chan voice samples like in the previous games. Also the first Taiko game to not stick strictly to the number of songs as advertised, featuring 71 songs instead of 70 in all other promotional material.

Taiko Dream Land minigames

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Song of the Week! 27 November 2010


Alright, as promised, we'll look into one of your requests this week! So, which song did we decide to feature?

Taiko Wii 3 promotion video

The usual stuff, introducing us to the 4-player Taiko, Dream Taiko Land and part of the songlist. Turns out New Super Mario Bros. Wii isn't really 3D, but just frame-by-frame cutouts of the 3D models. What.

Also, whoever manages to buy FOUR Tatacons would be one of the richest Taiko fans ever. You know how much those things cost?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Taiko Wii 3 reviewed by Famitsu

9 / 8 / 7 / 8 = 32/40

Crap they've got to play the game already? But it's more than a week to go before any of us can even order it...That's a high review score though.

Taiko Wii 3 theme song- Correction

Earlier last week the title of Taiko Wii 3's theme song was said to be Taiko de Happy (太鼓でハッピー). Another unconfirmed source (from a Japanese mobile game news site) now says that the real title of the song is Popcorn Parade (ポップコーン★パレード).  No wonder it sounded way too generic to be the real name...Hopefully that name stays, cause I like it already.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Super Mario Bros. Wii in Taiko Wii 3

Just today, high-quality screenshots of New Super Mario Bros Wii were released on the net. These handful are from Famitsu.

Mario songs in Taiko no Tatsujin isn't terribly new (there have been two different medley remixes of the 1985 original Super Mario Bros.), but this looks really special for some reason.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii, composed from the ground up with the Wii in mind! This song is making its debut in the 3rd Taiko no Tatsujin Wii game. Namco has thrown a lot of weight behind the Wii Taiko games seeing as both the first and second game did so well in sales, but this just pushes it to the next level! One of the best selling Wii games of all time is being used as a song here in one of my most favorite rhythm games! I am so stoked...

By the way, Taiko no Tatsujin has never had any 3D models in its games before. Until now. Mario is awesome.

 As for the Taiko Wii 3 minigames, we'll do an extensive feature on them when we have a chance to test the game or get more info on them. Screenshots coming soon!

Taiko Wii 3 countdown starts now

10 days more to the release of Taiko Wii 3...Can you wait it out? Neither can we, and we plan on bringing the most updated coverage on the game as far as we can. We aren't able to get a pre-release copy of the game and test it like some Japanese blogs can, but we can still translate their info and post them here in English! That's our blog's main purpose anyway.

A prominent Japanese gaming blog, Glaroid Room, always gets a leaked copy of Taiko console games about two to three days before official release. Let's see if it can cover Taiko Wii 3 as well. The entire Taiko community is so anxious to hear the news! Taiko Time will be following the updates from Glaroid Room closely from today onwards.

Taiko no Tatsujin 14 song list

Taiko no Tatsujin 14 arcade

The 14th Taiko arcade, released on September 2010. Taiko 14 is the first arcade to feature the alternate scoring method, Shin-uchi Mode, which awards points based on the number of notes you hit and not the notes you hit in a row. You can alternate between regular and Shin-uchi Mode, however the high scores for both modes are different, and Shin-uchi Mode scores are not recorded. To learn more, click here.

Shin-uchi Mode aside, gameplay goes on as usual, and taking a page out of the recent console games, this is the first arcade Taiko to congratulate players for full combo-ing a song as soon as a song ends. As for the song list, it's a mixture of the new songs introduced in Taiko DS3 and some new ones. Refusing to repeat the mistakes made by Taiko 12, there is a huge bank of unlockable songs, numbering 13 in all, spread out in 7 secret codes, outnumbering even Taiko 12.5 in terms of sheer volume and fan service!

Taiko 14 is also the first Taiko arcade to feature advertising in the arcade machine. Before the first secret code is used, the title screen was of the Taiko characters and McDonalds together, and after regular play, Taiko 14 allows you to play a demo version of the McDonalds collaboration song Papa Mama Mc. The demo version was less than half a minute long, and its score wasn't recorded. If you use the first code, the demo version will no longer be playable, but you can see it here.

Anyone who has access to the mobile Taiko Dojo can also upload their play status, high scores and trophy achievements on Taiko 14 to the social networking site Twitter, and these are displayed on the main Donder page as well, after the 10th anniversary remake.

On July 2011, 5 more songs were added in an upgraded version of Taiko no Tatsujin 14, and the upgrade kits were sent out to all arcade centers to patch the software in their arcade cabinets. The new software bears the exact same name, but is known around the fanbase as Taiko 14 Plus. The five songs aren't picked at random either- all five are some of the most celebrated songs from Taiko Wii 3 and the Taiko PSP DX, with a special surprise for lovers of the 2000 series songs. Nothing else changed with Taiko 14 Plus except that the title screen has the Taiko 10th anniversary emblem on the bottom-left corner.

Taiko 14 secret code 1
Taiko 14 secret code 2
Taiko 14 secret code 3
Taiko 14 secret code 4
Taiko 14 secret code 5
Taiko 14 secret code 6
Taiko 14 secret code 7

Saturday, November 20, 2010


~ Calendar desktops ~ 
(all download links are not hosted by us, they're from Namco! To catch up on their latest desktops, you can also download these from their official page)

September/October 2013 (800x600)  (1024x768)  (1280x1024)  (1680x1050)
July/August 2013 (800x600)  (1024x768)  (1280x1024)  (1680x1050)
Note: To avoid clutter, we'll only show the latest two months for the calendar desktops. If you want to look for the previous ones, Namco doesn't delete them, and their URLs follow a common pattern, the last part being the difference. Eg.

'1012' is 'year 2010, month 12 (December)' Change this number to whichever date you want, eg. March 2009 is '0903'

The number before '.bmp' is the size of the wallpaper.
_03.bmp = 800x600
_02.bmp = 1024x768
_01.bmp = 1280x1024
_00.bmp = Widescreen 1680x1050 (if available)

~ Other desktops ~
Taiko DS 1/2 1 million games sold commemoration  (800x600)  (1024x768)  (1280x1024)

Taiko no Tatsujin 12 desktop  (800x600)  (1024x768)  (1280x1024)

200th Taiko Blog post! (800x600) (1024x768) (1280x1024) (1680x1050)

10th Taiko Anniversary! (February 2011)   (800x600)  (1024x768)  (1280x1024)  (1680x1050)

~ Taiko Wii 2 downloadable content ~

All the downloadable stuff of this section comes from this web minigame, previously accessible only through Taiko Wii 2 website. By clicking the upper red button to play the minigame, a little Taiko will appear. After hitting it a lot of times and filling up the gauge, a spirit gauge point will be added to the counter above Don and Arumi's heads. By achieving certain amounts, several prizes were awarded! The final gift will be sent out at 222,000 spirit points. Wanna help fill it up?

*Only the latest downloadable is shown on the page, meaning all previous downloads are hidden from view so we've missed several gifts between the two papercrafts. Want to help us find them? Email us!

Everyone are Happy (1024x768)  (1280x800) (1280x1024)

Festival Guide (1024x768)  (1280x800) (1280x1024)

VS. Waruru (1024x768)  (1280x800) (1280x1024

Meat bun Don-chan (1024x768)  (1280x800) (1280x1024)

Hakase's Institute (1024x768)  (1280x800) (1280x1024)






~ Miscellaneous stuff ~
Taiko no Tatsujin 12 board game (on the official site, click the summit of the mountain right above Kat-chan to view the .pdf! If you don't feel like searching the official site, or you don't have an updated Flash Player, here's the direct link.)

Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 Downloadable Songs (follow this tutorial to add them to the game. Credits to Kliff for the .rar file!)

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Lyrics list (sort by title)

All lyrics articles have their original Japanese text, plus their pronunciations, and then an English translation just below them. You can also view the list by

Sort by genre Sort by title

Key: Anime Children/Folk  Classic  J-Pop  Game Music Variety  Vocaloid  Namco Original

?!?!? (April Fools '17)

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