IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Any of you who have tried to access the blog for the past few days may have noticed that the blog redirects to a non-functioning page called No, we weren't hacked. Let me explain.
Originally the plan was to move out of to our own custom domain. I mean, who doesn't want to have their own website name rather than having 'blogspot' in your address to remind you that the site doesn't belong to you? Rokodo was in charge of looking for a server for us, and he found one- together with making us a brand-new, epic banner design and our very own favicon!
All was going well, except the domain part. The reason why was a blank page was because the site hadn't been set up properly yet. The process was supposed to take only a few hours, and up to two days max, but as you saw, three days passed and still the DNS processing decided to screw with us. Trust me, I'm just as riled up as you guys about it. Don't blame Rokodo though, he was only trying to help make the site a better place. After all, he did a lot already.
Not that we didn't have anything to do during Taiko Time's downtime. The Pokemon series page is now up, along with the regular Song of the Week article. Work is going on as normal.
I decided to swap back to the .blogspot address until Rokodo sorts things out. I'm really sorry this happened and I apologise for any inconvenience caused. I hope all our fellow English-speaking donders will continue to support us as the prime non-Japanese Taiko no Tatsujin fansite!