Our pre-Halloween coverage of yesterday's Taiko Team livestream is now on! Find out the lows and peaks of yesterday's event with this handy illustrated recap.
そうそう、明日の生放送のみんなでチャレンジ@ニコ生版!の献立を、本日最後に公開しちゃいます!今回の放送はアンケートシステム使いまくりの予定です!10万コメント一気にいくかも!?みんなで楽しく盛り上がりましょう♪ pic.twitter.com/wNLxWrGWLB
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) October 29, 2014
ふう~、今日はこれで失礼します!あと3日で、太鼓チーム公式生放送!30日19時半から放送ですよー!!視聴はコチラ→ http://t.co/taB5xtbjPv から早速タイムシフト予約!放送内容もチェックできるよ♪明日も準備がんばるドン!ではまた! #taiko765
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) October 27, 2014
There isn't much to say, but the view link for this Thursday's livestream is out, and you can book for time shift if you want. Check out the blog post last week for the details if you forgot!
싱크로니카 로케테스트 버전에 사이타마 2000 수록 확인 pic.twitter.com/lE26uQGF0P
— echospherics「エコーズ」 (@echospherics) 24 Ottobre 2014
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) October 15, 2014
Also the final number of shops getting first-hand access for the new collab songs is 1335, counting in some last-minute new AOU member, to a total of 3001 points (multiple cabinets of the same game in the same shop counts as one). The list of confirmed shops and locations will also be announced tomorrow.
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) October 15, 2014
さて、本日はそろそろ失礼します!そうそう、本日完成した譜面は天下一音ゲ祭とは違う曲の譜面だったのですが、その天下一音ゲ祭の続報は近々発表があるみたいですよ!太鼓の達人の次回アプデも準備してますので、続報いろいろお楽しみに!では今日もおつカレーライス! #taiko765
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) October 14, 2014
Note that tomorrow is also the possible date for AOU's October newsletter, which is probably their last proper chance to announce the playable songs of the collab/tourney. So prepare for tidal waves of news and hype from (maybe) tomorrow.
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) October 9, 2014
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) October 9, 2014
So there. The Taiko Team doesn't hate you with the removals. If they hate you they would have start mass-removing Namco Originals like Xa, that Namco holds most rights and has no decent reason. Speaking of Xa... (one more post today!)