Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Twitter Snippets (October 14 2014) - Tenkaichi Otogesai Imminent

I'll say it right out front: This post is mainly for the purpose of filling in a 3-day gap of no-post-ness. Getting really dry out here.

But as a ending statement to today's Twitter standby, Etou reveals that although the notechart(s) he completed today is not exactly for it, more news for the Tenkaichi Otogesai is coming and fast! The next update (to add the collab songs) is also being prepared.
Note that tomorrow is also the possible date for AOU's October newsletter, which is probably their last proper chance to announce the playable songs of the collab/tourney. So prepare for tidal waves of news and hype from (maybe) tomorrow.

In preparation, check out our previous posts on the collab so that you get the big picture right: The official Namco Taiko Blog and more info from August AOU newsletter and September AOU newsletter.

Welcome to the secret stash of possibly leak-worthy tweets. Guess what song(s) is/are implied here. Have fun! :D