Sunday, August 15, 2010

Soroban 2000 song lyrics

Click 'Read more'. Apparently videos don't do so well in blurb form.


・筐体 (某バンナム社の新製品『十露盤2000』。
・A (通称「エンタク」。いまいちイケてないヤンチャ系男子)
・B (タベルナくん。以前、別の物語では壮絶な最期を遂げたはずだったが…?!)
・C (「美少女14歳」を自称するが、どう見ても男)


筐体 ;「青物横丁で話題沸騰!


A ;お、これもう入荷したんだ
B ;ふーん
C ;え、なになに?
A ;コレコレ、最新のネットゲー。「システム775(ななこ)」のヤツ
B ;へー、こんなの出てるんだ
C ;ほー
A ;やってみね?
B・C ;うん、いーよ



A ;デザインいいねぇ
B ;これマジでそろばんじゃん
A ;ああ
C ;あんまケタ数ねぇのなー
A ;どれやる?3倍コース?
B ;ふつうでいいじゃん、ふつうで
A ;あーい
C ;あ、でもやり方わかんねーよ?
A ;回答ボタン、最後に押すんだって
筐体 ;「ふつうコース」
B・C ;うん、うん
筐体 ;第一問。ねがいましてーは!
C ;えいやー、よっしゃ




A ;簡単じゃんコレ
筐体 ;ご名答!
C ;大した事ねぇなぁ
B ;うん
A ;ああ
筐体 ;第二問
A ;ああ
筐体 ;ねがいましてーは!


A ;まだある
A ;やるねぇ
C ;ほお



筐体 ;ご名答!
C ;楽勝じゃん!
B ;え、てか、俺らいつのまにかチームなってるじゃん
筐体 ;おめでとう!本日の新記録です。
A・C ;あ、本当だ
筐体 ;しかし、セカイのレベルはこんなものではありません。
C ;俺、結構うまいなぁ
A ;あ、そう?
筐体 ;もっと「上」を目指しませんか?
A ;選んじゃっていい?
B・C ;いいよ


筐体 ;「たつじんコース」
B ;いいよ
A ;はい
C ;よっしゃー、やるかぁ
筐体 ;それでは、第一問。ねがいましてーは!


A・B ;え、あ…オイ、ってかマジかよ!
C ;ちょっ、早っ、
A ;お…きて、え、ちょっとちが、違うんだって
B ;ちょっとコレはずしたら、ああっ
C ;…ンンッ、ンッ!


A・C ;え?
B ;(ズギャーン)う、えーぅ!
A ;お、お、おい、大丈夫か?
B ;(ドサッ、と倒れる)
A ;…て、てか、オイ
筐体 ;ふっ、ダメですね
C ;エエッおい、もう次かよ
A ;もう次かよ、早いよ!
筐体 ;ねがいましてーは!


A・C ;ちょ、待て待て待て、待て、待て
C ;ヘ?ヘ?
A ;ちょ、イチ、ジュウ、ヒャク、ええ?
C ;ちと待って待て待て待てまたまて


A ;え?
C ;ギャー(ズギャーン)ひいいーっっっ!!
A ;ええっ、今度はコッチかよ!
C ;(ドサッ、と倒れる)
A ;(ボソッと)ホントかよ・・・
筐体 ;怖いですか?止めるなら今のうちですよ?
A ;や、やるよっ!
筐体 ;わかりました、第三問。ねがいましてーは!


A ;はい!ふん!くっ!う、お、おおー、はい!はいはいハイハッ、クッ


A ;ぐぬぉぉおおおーっっ


A ;(肩で息をしながら)どーだ!ハア、ハア…
筐体 ;ご、ご名答・・・。


筐体 ;「たつじんコース」が破られるとは我ながら不覚をとってしまいました。
A ;どうだ!フ、ハアッ、ハアッ…おーっし!
筐体 ;しかし、この借り、
A ;え?…つ、次?パッチアップデート…て、まだやんのかよ!
筐体 ;それでは『十露盤(そろばん)2000』、次回の挑戦をお待ちしています。
A ;お、おい…


A ;店員さーん

English translation

Arcade: A new game made by some company called Ban-Nam (Bandai Namco)
A: Called 'Entaku'.
B: Taberuna-kun. Have we seen this guy before somewhere?
C: A guy who calls himself '14 year-old beautiful girl'

[The stage is set, in an arcade somewhere]

Arcade: A happening talked about by everyone! Extremely popular in Kanagawa City! 'Soroban 2000' the game to train your left brain! Can you calculate it?

[The 3 people arrive at the arcade. Sound of the door opening]

A: Oh, when this this get here?
B: Hmm.
C: Eh, what, what?
A: This thing, the newest game. 'System 775 (Nanako)'
B: Wow, something like this came out.
C: Ho-
A: Wanna give it a go?
B, C: Um, alright.

[Sound of coins dropping into the arcade machine. 'Hey! Thanks' can be heard for each time 2 coins went in. 1 play for 200 yen?]

[Select screen]

A: The design is good.
B: This, wha- it's an abacus.
A: Ah.
C: We're supposed to calculate.
A: Which do you want? Sanbai (3x speed) course?
B: Normal mode is fine, please, Normal.
A: Alright~
C: Ah, how do we play this?
A: Press the answer button after you're done.
Arcade: 'Normal course'. Are you ready?
B, C: Uh-huh.
Arcade: First question. Find the answer to this!
C: Great, let's go!

[Sounds of abacus beads clacking. Apparently the game started]

[Everyone answered -> Correct]

A: This is easy~
Arcade: Good answer!
C: Not bad
B: Um..
A: Ah..
Arcade: Second question.
A: Ah!
Arcade: Find the answer to this!

[Once again, the game starts. Sounds of abacus beads clacking]

A, B, C: *making typical grunting sounds while playing*

[Everyone answered -> Correct]

[Back to the select screen]

Arcade: Good answer!
C: This is fun! We won!
B: Eh, we made a good team.
Arcade: Congratulations! You set the new record for the day.
A, C: Wow, really.
Arcade: However you still haven't challenged the world level yet.
C: I think that's good enough for me.
A: Oh really?
Arcade: Want to press the 'up' button on the difficulty?
A: Should we go for it?
B, C: Alright.

[The 'up' button was pushed on the abacus controls]

Arcade: 'Tatsujin course' (Master course) Are you ready?
B: Good~
A: Yes.
C: Let's go!
Arcade: Then, first question, find the answer!

[More complicated columns of numbers and figures appear. The BPM increases, of course]

A, B:, What the heck is this?
C: This is...faaast, when did the speed go so high? Hey, hey wait, ah, my numbers are wrong...
A: Hey this....ah, it's wrong.
B: I'm getting it wrong too. I'm going to lose this one...Ah!
C: Mmm...hmmm.....!

[B gets it wrong, gets an electric shock from the arcade machine, player dies]

A, C: Eeeehhhh?
B: Uuuhhh...
A: Hey, you fine?
B: *topples to the floor*
A: ..Hey!
Arcade: That's no good, it's all wrong! Second question.
C: Oh hey, it's starting again!
A: It's the next round, hurry up!
Arcade: Find the answer!

[Even tougher questions show up, BPM increases]

A, C, Aaah, wait, wait, waitwaitwaitwait!
C: Eh? Eh?
A: Argh, one, two, hundred, eh?
C: Wait, wait, wait for me, wait...Eh, eh, eh, eh?

[C's answer is wrong, gets an electric shock from the arcade machine, player dies]

A: What?
C: Gyah! *screams*
A: Now you?
C: *topples to the floor*
A: Is this for real....
Arcade: Are you scared? Wanna stop here now?
A: N-No! Keep going!
Arcade: Alright, third question, find the answer!

[The toughest question appears. BPM is raised to the extreme. A plays for his life]

A: Yes! Hmph! Gu...oo.oohh...Argh, this annoying arcade game!

[Game makes a glitchy noise]

A: (makes unexplainable noises)

[A finished answering. With a big sound at the end, the controller is destroyed.]

A: How's this! *pants*
Arcade: G-Good answer...

[Ending theme? starts playing]

Arcade: The 'Master course' did a lot of damage to the system, even I wasn't aware of it.
A: How's that, huh? *pants*
Arcade: ...but, I'll be back on the next patch update!
A: Eh?...Next? Patch update...You're still not done?
Arcade: Alright, 'Soroban 2000' awaits your next challenge! Let us meet again!
A: H-Hey..what about these two fellows? Hey, no, owner-san!

[Music fades out]

A: Store owner-san

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