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Friday, April 9, 2021

Twitter Snippets (April 9th, 2021) - A Saturday with Theremin and Vocaloids

With the Faith Creation winners'release being out of the table, you'd think the beginning of the "Taiko no Time Travel" project would be up next in our cards, but never say never to saturday surprises! The latest of which involving the nick-named kinoshita in the Taiko franchise's latest Namco Original powered by the voice of one of the Kagamine twins.

Nijiiro ver. New Track: April 10th, 2021

/ Tell-me Beat kinoshita feat. Kagamine Rin
テルミービートキノシタ feat. 鏡音リン
★? ★? ★? ★?
Key: red = series debutblue = arcade debut