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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

First Video: Nijiiro Version v13.15 New Songs

The latest update is up, and so is this newly-introcuded song trio! Ado's Taiko no Tatsujin debut plays under multiple tempo signatures andrelentless back-to-back cluster plays, while the car-antitheft-SFX-powered Variety addition plays it in the longer run with plenty more notes to boot for its pure 1/16 challenge.

On the rating spectrum, the last new treat manages to both lag behind and stay ahead of the former couple thanks to its two Oni notecharts to boot, with the regular one mostly starring mono-color drumming antics and its Ura counterpart getting more heavy-handed with Kat note placement in both handswitch-focused cluster sections and recurring 1/24 quads.

★2 ★2 ★3 ★8

twinkle night (feat. somunia)
  nyankobrq & yaca
★3 ★4 ★5 ★7
Connected World
★4 ★5 ★5 ★8