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Friday, January 1, 2021

Twitter Snippets (January 1st, 2021) - Opening 2021 with a Galaxy-brain Moment

Opening for 2021 is the fifth winner in line from the Faith Creation Contest, coming in as "weekend warrior" to arcade Taiko no Tatsujin (March 2020/Nijiiro ver.). Check out the track preview video as linked by @taiko_team's official Tweet above. 

As the composer subsequently reveals on Twitter, the track has gone through further remastering and tweaks since the contest version in preparation for this eventual official release.

March 2020/Nijiiro ver. New Track: January 2 2021

Seigaitten D-D-Dice
★? ★? ★? ★?
Key: red = series debut; blue = arcade debut

Side note: attentive readers might find that we previously quoted different romanizations for the Faith Creation contest tracks. That is because we now have additional intel of what the preferred reading is, given that creators were asked to provide a reading guide at submissions after all.