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Saturday, January 9, 2021

First Video: La Paz no Niji

La Paz no Niji
★4 ★7 ★8 ★9

While La Paz is a city in Bolivia, the techno-fused composition poses no immediately obvious connections to the country. It does feature complex time signatures throughout and a generous mix of 12th, 16th and 24th patterns, plus one of the first appearances of the peculiar 20th separation in the middle bridge. The Ura Oni difficulty builds on the complexity by adding even more 24th and 32nd patterns across the notechart.

Note to title hunters: Full Combo titles are "Expressionist of Melded Rainbow Hues" (融け合う虹色の表現者) for regular Oni and "Expressionist of Split Light Colors" (解け合う光色の表現者) for Ura Oni.