[ご報告]私事で恐縮ですが、3月末日をもちましてバンダイナムコスタジオを退職することになりました。23年間もの長き間みなさま本当にありがとうございました!感謝です!退職後もサウンドの仕事は続けてまいりますのて、今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いします!— kanako kakino (@K_KAKINO) 30 marzo 2019
実は3月でバンダイナムコスタジオ卒業でして昨晩サウンド部の仲間やナムコサウンドOBの皆様に壮行して頂きました😂。4月からはグループ新会社所属で主業務はゲーム開発現場からちょっとだけ離れますが(でも近い)皆さんを笑顔にするよな面白いアウトプット目指して頑張るので変わらず応援してね😄 pic.twitter.com/SCBmeB28o2— 大久保博/HiroshiOkubo (@ookubon) 30 marzo 2019
Before we dive balls deep into the yearly April Fools shenanigans, here are a couple of regrettable pieces of news that affect Bandai Namco's in-house musician roster, with two more composers with some shared Taiko no Tatsujin-related history leaving the company.
The people in question, from top-to-bottom graduation tweets of reference, are Kanako "P." Kakino (柿埜嘉奈子) and Hiroshi Okubo (大久保博). The former has had a deep history in the musical department for Idolm@ster and Klonoa games, with some songs from both series (STEPPING WIND and DRIVE A LIVE) getting Taiko ports at some point; the latter artist, on the other hand, is remembered in Taiko more for its racing and idol-related game side as opposed to platformers, between Pacman-related arranges (L.O.V.E and EAT'EM UP!), Ridge Racer-related tracks (the USA Remix of Ridge Racer and... uuuh... EAT'EM UP! again) and other Idolm@ster pieces.
Thanks to Taiko no Tatsujin Discord user Deadwantsha for the tip!