Continuing from today's previous blog entry, here's a full rundown of the returning campaign that ties in Taiko no Tatsujin with the Touhou Project arrangement scene! For future reference, a dedicated website was also made with the content that is also spotlighted after the jump.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Namco Taiko Blog 2 (31 August 2017) - Touhou Project x Taiko no Tatsujin's Third Collaboration Primer
Continuing from today's previous blog entry, here's a full rundown of the returning campaign that ties in Taiko no Tatsujin with the Touhou Project arrangement scene! For future reference, a dedicated website was also made with the content that is also spotlighted after the jump.
Namco Taiko Blog (31 August 2017) - Yellow Version GV 6.xx Update Notice
As foreshadowed a few days ago, here we are with a blog post about the next arcade update schedule! Will it only feature the Autumn Rewards Shop stuff or there's actually something more...?
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Twitter Snippets (28 August 2017) - Yellow Version's Next Seasonal Rewards Shop Renewal
A quick tidbit for today, coming from yesterday's Taiko Team social media activity! While no dates are being spread as of now, it's been notified that the next Yellow Version software update will also bring in the Autumn Rewards Shop lineup for players of both Japan and general Asia to enjoy.【お知らせ】太鼓の達人 ごほうびショップ【イエローVer.秋】— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 28 agosto 2017
Given that this tweet has been pinned and that the current Rewards Shop lineup was introduced almost 3 months ago, it's a safe bet to assume that further details are expectable later this week...
Sunday, August 27, 2017
3DS3 Update: Special Sticker Are Better Late Than Never
While the console front is having field days with the Sony people, Namco decides to have another present campaign to keep 3DS3 relevant (at least until Taiko Switch comes up perhaps?)
The present in question this time is the very mouthful "Special Sticker from which you can get in-game item". Yes, they are stickers for you to... stick on things. Yes, they reveal QR codes which you can scan with a copy of 3DS3 to get in-game items. And as a bonus, you can also have a dandy Taiko no Tatsujin themed backing sheet after all that!
All of these could be yours starting from August 9, i.e. two weeks ago! Yes sorry but to be frank we never expect 3DS3 to still have activity up to now.
3DS3 main site details page
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Song of the Week! 26 August 2017

For this year's last pick of August, let's dig out some tracks that resound with Namco's gaming library once more... quite literally too, given the subject matter!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Issho ni Waiwai Ensou List
Premiered during the Yellow Version arcade firmware in both Japanese and General Asia Taiko HD arcades, the Issho ni Waiwai Ensou (いっしょにワイワイ演奏) mode is a custom mode that is triggered upon the start of a 2-player play by default, with the regular 2P variant still available to pick up.
This mode offers a selection of songs from the full songlist normally available in public builds, with the main objective of clearing track with a shared soul gauge bar between the two players. The Issho ni Waiwai Ensou mode allows the selection of different difficulty modes among the two players, with every available song's charts on all modes being re-branded to emphasize the mode's cooperative aspect. No gameplay modifiers of sorts can be chosen while playing with this mode.
Namco Taiko Blog (24 August 2017) - Session de Dodon ga Don's First DLC Packs
The Taiko Team's radio silence was broken by the late-day announcement of the first DLC packs for the soon-to-be-released PS4 Taiko debut title. Venture with us after the jump for the full rundown!
First Video: Koi-kurenai
The final song of the Taiko no Tatsujin x INSPION collaboration has just hit the public arcade scene! While bearing the least amount of notes of the newly-introduced song trilogy, Koi-kurenai's Oni mode surely shows its claws in form of yet another relentless stamina-draining experience with broken-down cluster formations mostly made of short-lasting repeated bursts, not that much dissimilar to former Oni trials like the one of G Ishiki Kajou.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Feature: God Collection and the Shinto Culture Behind Them, Part 3
Building up from our previous two-parter feature, we take a look back to Shinto Culture as it's being told by the continuation of the Namco Original-based God Collection series.
As this peculiar song trope is branching out to Western religions, we might or might not be having a look at those outlets, too!
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Song of the Week! 19 August 2017

Today's feature stars two songs from the Japanese hip-hop unit that has followed the development of the ever-lasting Taiko + app family since the very beginning!
Thursday, August 17, 2017
First Video: Infinite Rebellion
Daisuke Kurosawa's much-anticipated Yuugen no Ran arrangement has come to town and for the first time, we're documenting a new arcade song's coming through a Tokkun Mode video! As you can see, the reason for that is quite easy to figure out...
Yuugen no Ran's concept of "super hard notechart that comes from the future" is further built on for another of Taiko gaming's hardest trials yet, as many similarly-sounding notechart portions are integrated into new cluster-dense sections that play more on different timing signatures rather that outlandishly-high BPM (even if yes, it's still pretty high). And yes, this arrangement's Oni mode also bears more notes than the original track!
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Taiko Time 7th Anniversary Quiz: The Questions
Welcome to the annual mainstay of our Anniversary celebration! (except that one time where we turned the tables and have you ask us questions)
This year's Anniversary Quiz consists of seven main questions with some further divided into parts, to a total of 17 possible points. To enter, please send your answers together with your nickname to be displayed via one of the following methods by the deadline of September 5 2017:
- email to
- via Direct Message to our Twitter handle @taikotimeblog
- via Direct Message to me (hisashiyarouin) on Discord
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Across Japan (August 10 2017): Licensing Slam! August Facebook Tournament
This month's theme is licensing, one because songs coming into the Asian ver. have to go through another level of licensing, and then there is the hot new collaboration that meme'd "licensing done" out of the picture.
Facebook Tournament: August 12~20 2017
Results Announcement: August 24 2017
INSPION (Oni ★10)
サウンド制作スタジオ「INSPION」社歌 Sound Production Studio INSPION Company Song
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S Last Brutal Sister Flandre S (Muzukashii ★7)
東方Projectアレンジ Touhou Project Arrange
ビートまりお BeatMARIO
With the licensing issue done, INSPION's three latest contributions are also coming to Asian ver. AC0 on time.
New Song: August 10th, 2017
INSPION Same day as Japan
サウンド制作スタジオ「INSPION」社歌 Sound Production Studio INSPION Company Song
New Song: August 17th, 2017
Infinite Rebellion Same day as Japan
黒沢ダイスケ Daisuke Kurosawa
原曲「幽玄ノ乱/世阿弥(Tatsh)」 Original Song [Yuugen no Ran/Zeami (Tatsh)]
New Song: August 24th, 2017
濃紅 Koi-kurenai Same day as Japan
黒沢ダイスケ × 小寺可南子 Daisuke Kurosawa x Kanako Kotera
Link to original post
Facebook Tournament: August 12~20 2017
Results Announcement: August 24 2017
サウンド制作スタジオ「INSPION」社歌 Sound Production Studio INSPION Company Song
東方Projectアレンジ Touhou Project Arrange
ビートまりお BeatMARIO
With the licensing issue done, INSPION's three latest contributions are also coming to Asian ver. AC0 on time.
New Song: August 10th, 2017
サウンド制作スタジオ「INSPION」社歌 Sound Production Studio INSPION Company Song
New Song: August 17th, 2017
黒沢ダイスケ Daisuke Kurosawa
原曲「幽玄ノ乱/世阿弥(Tatsh)」 Original Song [Yuugen no Ran/Zeami (Tatsh)]
New Song: August 24th, 2017
黒沢ダイスケ × 小寺可南子 Daisuke Kurosawa x Kanako Kotera
Link to original post
Monday, August 14, 2017
Sayonara Varya Lyrics
Artist: Mirai Kodai Gakudan (未来古代楽団)
Composition, Lyrics: Taketeru Sunamori (砂守岳央)
Arrangement: Taketeru Sunamori and Miyako Matsuoka (松岡美弥子)
Vocals: Haruka Shimotsuki (霜月はるか)
Japanese lyrics sourced from official YouTube preview dated April 18 2017.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Song of the Week! 12 August 2017

This closing week, a new official Touhou Project title was released, it was the birthday of one of the Taiko Discord group's users sporting a Touhou avatar and I can get to talk about Eurobeat music some more...
...really, do I need more reasons to get to talk about Touhou stuff once more?
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Namco Taiko Blog 2 (10 August 2017) - Behind the Notechart(s): Mitsusegawa Ranbu
Before this year's summer break, Yamaguchi of the Taiko Team stopped by to talk about his charting job for the latest geared-with-Ura-at-launch Namco Original from Yellow Version.
Namco Taiko Blog (10 August 2017) - Taiko no Tatsujin x INSPION Collaboration Begins!
Roughly one month after the original announcement was made, the collaboration event between the Taiko no Tatsujin series and the emerging INSPION company is finally ready to boot! The full details of this 3-parter operation are fully detailed in today's Taiko Team blog entry.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
First Video: Yellow ver. 5.17 New Songs and Wai Wai Ensou Introduction
With the latest arcade update going live, the Issho ni Waiwai Ensou has been introduced, so it's only fair to give the pre-jump headline to a related gameplay video before spotlighting the actually-new songs!
Monday, August 7, 2017
[SITE] - Title Fix Notice: Taiko Time 7th Anniversary Edition
As the 7th Anniversary celebrations continue, it is also high time for us to right what was wrong, like egregriously-put title romanizations. And if you remember, we should also be concluding the ruse that is The Great Big Taiko Time Title Fix Feud.
Of course, our policy should be to aim for no title fixing is required, but to err is human and we are more than ready to admit fault. If you find more inconsistent or strange romanization that we have put forth, bring it out for us to discuss and fix!
Of course, our policy should be to aim for no title fixing is required, but to err is human and we are more than ready to admit fault. If you find more inconsistent or strange romanization that we have put forth, bring it out for us to discuss and fix!
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Song of the Week! 5 August 2017

Once again, I got no ideas for this week's feature song beforehand, so I resorted once again to the kind folks over the Taiko no Tatsujin Discord group for a quick brain-storming. Wanna see the results of that?
Friday, August 4, 2017
Twitter Snippets (August 4 2017): Snarky Granny Intrudes (further)
【お知らせ】「お台場みんな夢大陸2017」の #スカッとジャパン のコーナーに設置中の特別仕様の筐体に、楽曲「スカッとじゃんけん」が追加されました。明日から遊べます!— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) August 4, 2017
会場にはハイスコアボードも設置されているので、記録更新してスカッとするドン!#フジテレビ #taiko765
Now that the previously-exclusive Sukatto Bachan no Uta will be seeing general Japan-wide inclusion soon, the special Yellow ver. cabinets at Odaiba Minna no Yume-tairiku 2017 event needs something else for the collaboration with Tsukai TV Sukatto Japan. So that's why starting tomorrow (August 5 2017) those cabinets will be adding the exclusive Sukatto Janken that is used in the small rock-paper-scissors segment in the show.
In addition, if you are of high-caliber Taiko no Tatsujin skills, you can be eternally (read: until the event ends) celebrated on the whiteboard leaderboards for everyone with the event's day-ticket to see.
Across Japan (August 4 2017) - Why, Why Play Without the Licensed Picks: Yellow ver. Asia G/V 4.03 Update

What's the point with playing the Asian ver. newest update when only the single Namco Original from Japan's equivalent update made it on the same day, and the new two-player mode is official coined in English as "Waiwai Play"? Well still a lot actually, the Don Medals being one.
Well in a step up of the game, the Taiko Team has prepared the three versions of the Waiwai Play flyer in English, Traditional Chinese and Korean.
New Songs: August 8 2017 (Yellow ver. Asia G/V 4.03)
伊東歌詞太郎 Itou Kashitarou
Link to original post
Twitter Snippets (3 August 2017) - Missing Tweak Notice
【公式ブログ】8/8実施予定「太鼓の達人 イエローVer.」次回アップデートより新登場になる2人専用「いっしょにワイワイ演奏」とあわせて「いつもの演奏ゲーム」でも、ネームプレートなど表示物の位置が調整されることを追記しました!— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 3 agosto 2017
Together with all the features that have been revealed on yesterday's blog entry, there's an additional tweak for the regular 2-player mode that the Taiko Team staff has forgotten to mention in said blog post! A quick tweet was made to remedy on that.
In short, the player icons on the left side of the scrolling bar will be re-arranged so that multiple informations attached to it in-game, such as the players' titles/title parts being set and the eventual modifiers that are being used for the play session. To have a size comparison, check out a Taiko 0 2P video such as this one.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
TnT Original Playlist Update (2-3 August 2017) - Summer '17 NO Songs
Between the last 2 days, all of the last months' previous original songs from Yellow Version are here, from seasonal Rewards Shop items to sporadic 10* Oni contenders! However, no official lyrics for any of the songs are supplied in the related video descriptions.
As for why we've changed the English spelling of the song featured in the embeded video above, that's one topic we're going to talk about in the coming days...
Namco Taiko Blog (3 August 2017) - Summer Duet Ensemble: Yellow ver. Version 5.xx Update
As foretold by the previous weekly post, it's going to be update time once again! After the jump is listed all the content that has to be expected this time around.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Taiko Plus/STH - Early August '17 GTH Additions
Six new songs for both versions of the Shinkyoku Tori Houdai app! Let's do this.
Gakkyoku Tori Houdai Adds: August 1
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Site Announcement: Taiko Time 7th Anniversary!
This year we're just slapping actual Taiko sprites together for the anniversary logo :P
7th Anniversary for the Taiko Time blog! Woohoo!
Despite our real-life commitments getting in our way from time to time, we are glad that we have kept on this pro bono endeavor in bringing Taiko no Tatsujin resource into English-speaking circles. We may reiterate this every year, but it is true that we thank all of your support, as long-time readers or occasional drop-ins alike.
But to be frank, outside of the routine Anniversary Quiz and some on-occasion housekeeping (we have one Title Fix post planned), we really don't have much idea for what else to do this year. Do you have burning questions to ask us in another Staff Interview? Do you have interesting custom made notecharts you want us to showcase in a revival of Made By You? Do you <insert your own suggestion maybe>? Tell us so that we can plan for it down the road.
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