Warning: may contain plot spoilers.
ラルコ「はやくも 3つめのオーブゲット! いいちょうしだ!
きっとお姫さまも よろこんでいるにちがいない!
どんちゃん「ラルコは お姫さまが だいすきだドーン!
なにをいいだすんだ どんちゃん!
ボクは お姫さまをまもる りっぱなドラゴンだ!
お姫さまのために がんばるのは とうぜんだ!
ラルコ「もちろんだ! なんというか 姫とボクは
こどものころから いっしょに そだっていたりするが!
たんじょうび プレゼントに ペンダントをもらったりもしたが!
あくまで!お姫さまをまもる けらいの ひとりだ!
ぜんぜんトクベツな かんけいじゃないぞ! キリっ!
さぁ どんちゃん 今日は もう ねるよ!
どんちゃん「ふぁぁ おやすみだドーン。。。
That night...
Raruko: That was fast, we have 3 orbs already! We'll definitely save the princess if we keep up like this!
Don-chan: Raruko, you like the princess a lot da-don!
Raruko: W-w-w-w-w-what are you saying Don-chan! I'm the princess' fantastic dragon protector! Of course I must do my best for her!
Don-chan: Reeeaallyy?
Raruko: Of course! Me and the princess have been together since we were kids! She gave this pendant here to me as a birthday present. I am Her Highness' only servant! To the very end! It's not that I have any special feelings for her or anything!
Don-chan: Oh so it's like that?
Raruko: Yes it's like that! Now get to sleep, Don-chan!
Don-chan: *yawn* Goodnight da-don...
Raruko: Goodnight~....
Script provided by Zekira