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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Song of the Week! 8 October 2022

Hop aboard for our very first Song of the Week feature on a track originating from the latest Nintendo-rooted console release!

Yumeutstsu Catharsis Kanoya Ooki (BNSI) feat. Kaori Aihara
夢うつつカタルシス/大木奏弥(BNSI) feat. 愛原圭織
Game Genre
yumeut (Yumeutstsu Catharsis)

Here at Taiko Time, we love when things go full circle with varying degrees of committment to it, including what we post! Seeing as our very first SotW feature on the first Ninitendo Switch title's debuting tracklist was also for a song starring Kaori Aihara (愛原圭織) as its singer, we might as well repeat the feat for Donderful/Rhythm ferstival's release, why not?

Rather that with her usual colleagues from the ProductionGIW studio she's affiliated to, the song Yuumemutsu Catharsis (lit. 'Catharsis in a Dream') was produced with a couple of unique talents of both indie and BanNam-inhouse waters. For the former, we have the returning Takahashi Ikezawa (池澤孝之; Twitter), an independent guitar player which was last heard of (in strings-pinching-fashion, of course!) for the crossed-over music game tracks RIDGE RACERS STEPS and Ignis Danse, doubling up his Taiko return as a backup vocalist for another NS2 Namco Original launch debut in Kappa no Sara wa Konna ni mo. The latter camp is filled by BNSI's Kanoya Ooki (大木奏弥) in his Taiko no Tatsujin composing debut, one whose first musical works for the company were for a couple of projects two other "BNSI freshmen" were also involved for: the ASOBINOTES album ALL ABOUT LOVE vol.2 and the OST for 2022's Survival Quiz CITY videogame.

Those nostalgic for the singer's Taiko debut with Total Eclipse 2035 may find something warmly familiar to gawk at with their ears: unconventional stanzas diverging from the 4/4 norm that still deliver a traditional 1/16-based Oni charting challenge. Even if more custom stanza cuts and some scrolling speed shenanigans do occur during Kaori Aihara's latest piece, don't get fooled as no fancy denser clusters are to be found in here!