正式に各機種から参戦宣言が!いよいよサイトオープンまで間もなくです!サイトオープンに先立ちまして、Twitterユーザー限定で、先行配信曲の「アーティストコメント」をチョットだけフライング公開します。お楽しみに! #天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 7 Ottobre 2015
As the month of October barges in, the Arcade Operator Unit's Tenkaichi Otogesai Twitter account has revealed that the website for this year's event will be up very soon, revealing the new songs involved and their authors' comments about the tracks' creation.That, however, doesn't stop the AOU guys to tweet part of those comment pages as quick teasers! The first early song tidbits come from the Taiko no Tatsujin-related (yet unknown) artist.
#天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU #太鼓の達人
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 7 Ottobre 2015
The first song will have an historical setting close to the Edo period, where a sad love story is being told through the music of the devil, starring a equally-devilish beat and tempo.
#シンクロニカ #天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 7 Ottobre 2015
As Bandai Namco is joining this year's edition of the Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament with two franchises, the second track comes from a composer who is more akin to the Synchronica fields. This piece of music will offer gentle rhythm to soak in, at the price of a "murdering beat" which is more akin to a moskito's biting.