Monday, October 12, 2015

Kidaruma 2000 Lyrics

Composer: LindaAi-CUE
Vocals: LindaAi-CUE (as himself), MC Linn (as himself), Takahashi (タカハシ, as host)

ピンポンパンポーン (pin pon pan po~n)

司会:こんばんは、「エイプリルBAKA」の時間がやってまいりました。 (konbanwa, "April BAKA" no jikan ga yatte mairimashita.)
今週も先週に引き続き、「リンリンズ」のお二人をお招きして盛り上がっていきたいと思います。 (konshuu mo senshuu ni hikitsudzuki, "Linn-Lins" no ofutari o omaneki shite moriagatte ikitai to omoimasu.)
それではMC Linnさん、Linda AI-CUEさん、よろしくお願いします。 (soredewa MC Linn san, Linda AI-CUE san, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.)
Linn&Linda:よろしくお願いします。 (yoroshiku onegaishimasu.)
司会:リンリンズのお二人と言えば、先日の社員旅行、あれはちょっと残念でしたね~。 (Linn-Lins no ofutari to ieba, senjitsu no sha'in ryokou, are wa chotto zan'nendeshita ne~)
MC Linn:そうですね~。まさか中二病が流行っちゃってね~、海外行きが全部中止になってしまうなんてな・・・。 (sou desu ne~ masaka chuunibyou ga hayatchatte ne~, kaigai iki ga zenbu chuushi ni natte shimau nantena...)
Linda AI-CUE:そういえばLinnさんからね、あの~、台北と上海のメイド喫茶巡りのマップ頂いたんですけれども。 (sou ieba Linn sankara ne, ano ~, Taipei to Shanghai no maid kissa-meguri no map itadaita'n desu keredomo.)
司会:そうなんですか~、それはじゃあ残念でしたね本当に・・・。 (sou nan desu ka ~, sore wa jya zan'nen deshita ne hontou ni...)
MC Linn:結構な兵らしいですよ、そちらも。 (kekkou na tsuwamono-rashii desu yo, sochira mo.)
司会:それはそれはあの、ありがとうございます貴重なお話。 (sore wa sore wa ano, arigatou gozaimasu kichou na ohanashi.)
それではここで一曲お聴きいただきましょう、リンリンズ、4月31日発売のニューアルバム、「デスカントリー」より、シングルカットのナンバーです。「黄ダルマ2000」。 (soredewa koko de ikkyoku o kiki itadakimashou, Linn-Lins, shigatsu sanjuuichi nichi hatsubai no new album, "Death Country" yori, single cut no number desu. "Kidaruma 2000".)

今日も (kyou mo)
服が (fuku ga)
黄色 (kiiro)

English translation

Host: Good evening, once again the time for "April BAKA" has arrived.
This week we continue from last week, where we invite the duo of the "Linn-Lins" to be here again, for what we hope to be another exciting installment.
And so here is Mr. MC Linn and Mr. Linda AI-CUE. Nice to meet you both.
Linn&Linda: Nice to meet you.
Host: For our Linn-lins duo, regarding the recent company trip, it has been quite a disappointment, eh~?
MC Linn: Why yes~ In fact the Chunibyo epidemic has got so widespread, all overseas travels had to be cancelled, isn't it...
Linda AI-CUE: Speaking of which, from Mr. Linn, ehm... we even got a map for a maid-cafe tour in Taipei and Shanghai.
Host: Is that the case now~, that was really regretful I say...
MC Linn: It would have make you up in arms, that also.
Host: Now that that's that, thank you for these precious words.
So now let's listen to a song at this point of the program. A single-cut piece from the Linn-lins' new album "Death Country" to be released on April 31: Kidaruma 2000.

~Song starts~
Today too
The clothes are
Snap (sound of music stopping?)

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