Friday, October 9, 2015

Tenkaichi Otogesai: The Descending Scarlet, and more


Starting a few days we started relaying four teaser comments from composers for the second Tenkaichi Otogesai collab/tourney series, but we will skip the fifth because the website is just open, at! While the tournament details are important, sure, of course new songs are always more eye-catching so we'll go there first today.

Taiko no Tatsujin's qualifier round song is Aka no Senritsu (朱の旋律), with the album jacket shown above left. If you think "hey that sounds awfully similar to Ao no Senritsu, just a lot redder", you'd be right! AILE returns to the Taiko no Tatsujin scene to contribute for this year's Tenkaichi Otogesai after AnS happened 3 years ago. Not sure if we are serious about going to the lengths 234 BPM though... I guess that's where the "devilish tempo" in the teaser comes in. (AOU retreats erroneous BPMcorrect is approx. 190)

Other songs for the qualifier round, for the other cabinets, are:


Onwards to administrative details: The shop qualifiers featuring these five songs will happen within November 19~29, 2015, varying by operator. The bloc finals will be held together across Japan on December 19 and the national championship on February 20, 2016. Qualifier songs are expected to hit participating AOU shops on October 15 as exclusive preview.