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Friday, April 22, 2011

Site announcement: Random stuff

Now that the Taiko Donder homepage is updated, the Download page has added new downloadable contents, which was spread before for a limited period. Briefly, the contents will reguard other commemorative wallpapers and the Taiko Wii 2-related downloads, brought by Namco himself via the Taiko web counter available on the game's website. As always, we of Taiko Time will post the "new" stuff on the Download page soon!

There's more to know! From today, the Links section is proud to highlight another Taiko blog, made by one of our closest followers, flyboy87. In particular, The Way of the Taiko primarly features the Taiko simulator Taikojiro, aside with a bunch of Taiko songs to try with this simulator. A good way to improve your Arcade and Console skills on our drumming game is practise with patterns, and Taikojiro helps players in this aspect as a powerful ally. You can also create your own patterns for other songs!

See you in future posts!

Lazy donder,