Saturday, August 24, 2024

Song of the Week! 24 August 2024

In just a couple of days from now, submissions for the latest Taiko no Tatsujin music recruitment contest will be closed and all registered entries can be throroughly enjoyed by eveyone online, while waiting for the Taiko Team judges' awarding decision!

Until then, here's one of the contest-winning picks from the latest venue to tide the wait.

Mood Swing
Game Genre
AC Nijiiro (Y4) ★3
moodsw (Mood Swing)

The first one among the 2023 Taiko song contest's winners to be publicly released on Nijiiro-geared game centers everywhere, Mood Swing comes from the capable hands of a Taiko-grounds freshman, one with former music dstribution ties with the MEGAREX and Diverse System circles, much like composer Garin among 2022's contest winners!

Meet the nick-named tn-shi (Twxttxr, SoundCloud, YouTube), an independent musician in activity since late 2022. The drive for this artist into rhythm games and music-making in general came to be thanks to lowiro's ongoing Arcaea mobile game, sprawling both with self-published songs on the aforementioned personal video/music-sharing websites as well as participating into a number of music gaming contests, including one for the very same Arcaea with the song Revelation (which, while not winning, was still awarded a Honorable Mention) and the Peropero Games-hosted, multi-games-spanning Cosmic Radio contests, with the pluri-million-views-warranting Synthesis. for its 2024 edition. Sure, while such attempts are either results-pending or not parading with the other respective winners, the buzz of tn-shi's craft was heard far and away, drawing the attention of other seasoned otoge composers on social medias as well as music game makers, adopting the very same songs to receive such honorable mention accolades! Revelation, in fact, was made playable both on Orzmic and on vivid/stasis, while Synthesis. joined the roster of Sega's Ongeki just a couple months back (and Lanota just 2 days ago!).

In-between this journey was the composer's first attempt into last year's Taiko no Tatsujin music contest with Mood Swing, which (spoiler alert!) was the first successful contest entry attempt to nover. By admission of the same tn-shi over social media (link), jazz isn't one of the genre of choice to be listened to, thus making jazz-styled songs for tn-shi translated into a personal interpretation of what jazz sounds like, rather than going for actual jazz sounds like. Nevertheless, the creativity shown on the Taiko judges' display has managed to entrance Taiko Team leader Etou to the point of putting the song on loop to listen... a sentiment that was heart-felt by rebound from Mood Swing's maker on social medias, the same! Mood Swing also doubles as a myth-buster on Bandai Namco having the "exclusive rights" to officially publish Namco Original works online as of late, considering how official uploads of Mood Swing are both on the usual BanNam YT channel (link) and on tn-shi's very own (link)
since last month, as a commemoration for the song's later-appointed Ura Oni treatment. Definitely check out the latter as well for a more lively outlook on the contest-winning piece!

To become a "Mood King" via regular Oni Full Combo is a matter of knowing your drumhit couples rather well, on a speedy setting that still prizes mono-color small clusters over tricky handswitchery of sorts... being awarded the title of ' "Mood" Maker', however, is a path that was once teased by Etou during the December 2023 livestream... only to become a reality in the aftermath of the World Championship 2024 Finals, becoming one of the seven simultaneous-Ura-bestowed picks! This one Full Combo performance, however, requires to be very proficient to fast couples a-la MagiCatz, now with the added perk of a scrolling speed shift halfaway in the performance!