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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

DLC Termination Bulletin: The Fun Has to End Sooner or Later

Announced on 2023/11/06 on the Taiko no Tatsujin Nintendo Switch Version (NS1) with a pop-up, and later echoed by other official Bandai Namco social media outlets (BNEI SEA, English Taiko no Tatsujin), its sale (physical and digital) will end after 2023/11/30. Not the first time we have end of sale for console Taiko title, as we have had similar terminations for all 3DS and Wii U titles.

In response to the pretty divergent English discourse across the interwebs, here is a summary of what is NOT ANNOUNCED TO END on 2023/11/30:
  • playing your copy of NS1 previously purchased, including online functionalities (minus the features ended in January 2022)
  • the general sale and downloading of DLC (minus those already terminated previously)
  • redownloading NS1 for those previously purchased the digital version

Of course, Bandai Namco would like to remind you that Taiko no Tatsujin on Nintendo Switch is still alive and well on the sequel Donderful Festival (NS2) available for purchase in both physical and digital in multiple locales, and not to mention the new mode coming by the end of the year.