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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sonority Scouts - Losing Competitors' Foreign Pick-Me-Up

Less than two days are left between us and the unveiling of the latest Taiko no Tatsujin song contest, via the upcoming livestream session starring Etou and Kimizu!

Right before that, however, we're holding one brief talk about something related to the song-making scenario, similar to what we've done around the last edition's closure. Because yes, apparently there might be something else behind a losing song's entry leaving the submission form...

As also mentioned in the backlinked post in our header, many a reason might lie behind the removal of songs from the more recent contest pools once everything's done, speculating back then how leaving back to their creators the rights to post them on their online platforms of choice might have been te reason behind some of them. The hypothesis was started upon the notice of some removals from the Faith Creation contest in 2020 with pieces like the one brought up by the nicknamed Silentroom (now available on his own YT channel), and seeing how the trend seems to follow suit with the 2021 edition getting the removal of other not-adopted tracks from the entry list (such as Datsushakai Vandalysm Dokuhaku if, from the nicknamed katagiri), it appears we've been on the right track with our guess!... Or one of the available ones, at least...

For you see, apparently what has been brushed away from the Taiko Team's judges might happen to have found a different home elsewhere, and into another ongoing music game series of all places! This is what happened to a couple of the 2020 Taiko no Tatsujin losing song entires, who have both found a place to call their own home in PeroPeroGames' Muse Dash, since late 2021. This phenomenon is more usually appreciated within BMS contest songs, where select losing tracks might still get their finest hour as adopted licenses in other music games as 'Variety' and such, so seeing it happen for former Taiko-contest-input tunes is interesting to see, to say the least!

Right above your eyes are lying the two lucky adopters in question: #Psychedelic Megurogawa (#サイケデリック目黒川) from the BMS-notorious composing duo of uma and Morimori Atsushi and the differently-worded-kanji Rin (燐) from the same a_hisa who got another of his 'Rin' songs adopted into Taiko gaming by popular Donder voting demand! The inclusion of the latter is especially interesting, considering how -in stark contrast with the pluricomposer song, which won no 'special consolation accolades' of sorts- this one Rin still managed to get a Silver-placed Honorary Mention on that Taiko contest (and from Etou, of all people!).

Contrary to the now-unavailable original Rin song entry, this one bracket is still available in the FaiCre contest website, for everyone to read!

Following up to our tip from last year of "Go listen to all those songs before some might vanish post-results announcement", this curious development from last year leads us to add a small corollary of sorts, something in the lines of "Don't lose hope if your favorite submissions did not make the cut, as they might strike it rich elsewhere".

At this point, I wonder if further developments can be counted on this curious topic, on top of what happened these past two years...