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Monday, July 18, 2022

Sonority Scouts - Blitzball Girls Are Mourning...


Losing out songs on the arcade front is becoming a monthly habit for the ongoing Taiko arcade line, but this time around we're backing up the dreary mood with what happens right around the corner in the general music gaming scenario.

If you think missing out on tunes is bad, how about the termination of whole music games? ...

Just as Summer kicked things off in 2022, fans of the Hardcore TANO*C-powered WACCA from developer Marvelous have been hit with the dreary reveal that the end of this upcoming August would also mean the end of the series as a whole, with all arcades permanently disabling all online functions right after. As also pinpointed by some of the TANO*C musicians on social media, the death knell has primarily been brought up by the resulting game center shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so it's disheartening to have such a lack of traction being this detrimental to a series which arguably held the partnership with one of the most renowned indie labels for modern rhythm gaming as a whole.

That being said, WACCA arcades worldwide can still be enjoyed after the online shutdown, which is definitely something that the most-fresh termination victim can't bolster, to the detriment of many...

Just a few weeks short from its anniversary release, AQUA STYLE and DeNa's Touhou Danmaku Kagura gacha rhythm game is also declared to be discontinued on October this year, as revealed in the game's last news-delivery YouTube livestream earlier today. Sharing the trait in common with the header song from Capcom's defunct Crossbeat series, Danmaku Kagura original songs have also made the jump into official Taiko gaming (literally tripling the yearly dose of Touhou songs in Taiko for 2021), ports that will actually outlive its source as the game's server shutdown would cut-and-dry spell the end of a game in a playable state.

Fans of both titles have still 3 months to play them as usual (each with their huge final load of playable tracks, no less!), but the most loyal Touhou fanworks followers might want to use their smart device of their choosing at a closer reach, before it will become unplayable forever...