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Friday, May 7, 2021

[RANDOM] - Our Golden Tip for This Year's Golden Week


It's kind of expected for us not to get news while the yearly-recurring Golden Week holiday is kicking strong in Japan, so we'll tide the way by highlighting one tidbit concerning the latest music-recruitment contest of last year, something that might also effect the music entries for the one that ended last month as well.

While every approved-entry track has been posted and judged properly, it has occurred that some of the tracks might be missing from the contest website's listing a few months after its conclusion if you search for either the song's name or the one of its author/s. We can only speculate the reason behind such sudden removals without notice, but our best guess is to let its authors to repost their creations elsewhere for use without contractual restraints of sorts, which is likely to be the case for composer Silentroom posting his contest entry 9876734123 on his own YouTube account.

Thus, seeing how this situation might be occurring abong the latest competition's tunes as well, we kindly advice you to go listening through all entries before the final results are announced, so that you've had a taste of everything its contestants have to offer before some of their picks might disappear from this digital listing, even if it might be a temporary situation to let their creators to share their craft elsewhere in the aftermath. See you tomorrow!