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Friday, January 28, 2022

"First Video": The Drum Master's Launch Newcomers

We're dusting off the Dr.Evil air quotes on this one as we already posted the newly-launched game's dedicated song list page, in which the videos from the two tunes above were already appearing! While, yes, this is all the newcomers we've gotten with the game's launch (with the rotation shop cycling across many other returning Taiko songs on a daily basis), The Drum Master still got some pieces to call its own.

After a 2021 famished of new songs from the Game Music genre, here are a couple of them debuting at the same time, and spawning from really recent Bandai Namco games on top of that! Oni star rating and 50-counter-differeng Max Combos aside, both songs play it straight with 1/16 charting not that dissimilar from each other in means of speed and cluster mixtures, with some 1/12 oddball in between.

Tales of Arise Battle Song Medley
テイルズ オブ アライズ 戦闘曲メドレー
Incompatible Thoughts
相容れぬ念い/「SCARLET NEXUS」より