Note: Oni difficulty is unlocked by default.
Game Modifiers
Double speed (Baizoku ばいぞく)
-Play 5 songs on Kantan (Easy)
Triple speed (Sanbai さんばい)
-Play 10 songs on Kantan (Easy)
Reverse (Abekobe あべこべ)
-Play 5 songs on Futsuu (Normal)
Quadruple speed (Yonbai よんばい)
-Play 10 songs on Futsuu (Normal)
Whimsical (Kimagure きまぐれ)
-Play 5 songns on Muzukashii (Hard)
Invisible (Doron ドロン)
-Play 10 songs on Muzukashii (Hard)
Random (Detarame でたらめ)
-Play 5 songs on Oni
Sudden Death (Kanpeki かんぺき)
-Play 10 songs on Oni
Thunder God (かみなりさま)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 3000
Sumo Wrestler (おすもうさん)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 6000
Solider (兵士)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 9000
Lucky Cat (まねきねこ)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 30000
Cinderella (シンデレラ)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 60000
Princess Girl (姫ギャル)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 80000
Guardian (ガーディアン)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 100000
Wedding Dress (ウエディングドレス)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 400000
Gorgeous Taiko (豪華な太鼓)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 700000
Ninja (ニンジャ )
-Play 5 times in Play mode
Bunny Ears (うさみみ)
-Play 30 times in Play mode
Turtle (カメ)
-Play 60 times in Play mode
Swordfish (カジキマグロ)
-Play 90 times in Play mode
Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ)
-Play J-Pop songs 5 times
Omen-koso (お面小僧)
-Play J-Pop songs 10 times
Stall (屋台)
-Play Anime songs 5 times
Zipper (ジッパー)
-Play Anime songs 10 times
Tetsuo Ride (テツオライド)
-Play Variety songs 5 times
Jewel (宝石)
-Play Variety songs 10 times
Headphone (ヘッドホン)
-Play Vocaloid songs 5 times
Priestess (巫女)
-Play Vocaloid song 10 times
Drill (ドリル)
-Play Classic songs 5 times
Navy (水兵)
-Play Classic songs 10 times
Rocket (ロケット)
-Play Game Music songs 5 times
Kendo (剣道)
-Play Game Music songs 10 times
U-Chan (う~ちゃん )
-Play Namco Original songs 5 times
Crown (王冠)
-Play Namco Original songs 10 times
Devil (デビル)
-Clear a song with all '可' notes
Gold Wing (ゴールドウィング)
-Clear a song with all '良' notes
Gothic Maid (ゴスロリメイド)
-Play 10 times with an outfit in Play mode
Taiko Sounds
Tambourine (タンバリン)
-Get a combo of 100 notes while playing in Play mode
Fireworks (はなび)
-Get a combo of 500 notes while playing in Play mode
Shout (かけごえ)
-Get a combo of 777 notes while playing in Play mode
Abacus (そろばん)
-Get a combo of 876 notes while playing in Play mode
Gorgeous Taiko (豪華な太鼓)
-Get a combo of 999 notes while playing in Play mode
Xevious (ゼビウス)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Baizoku modifier turned on
Quiz (クイズ)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Sanbai modifier turned on
Cash Register (レジ)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Yonbai modifier turned on
Bongo (ボンゴ)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Doron modifier turned on
Druaga (ドルアーガ)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Kimagure modifier turned on
8-bit Taiko (8bit太鼓)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with Detarame modifier turned on
Naughty (おいろけ)
-Full Combo a song in Play mode with three modifiers turned on (Autoplay excluded)
Dynamite (ダイナマイト)
-Play songs in Play mode for 5 days in a row
Chinese (中華)
-Normal Clear a song with one Miss
Daisuki (だいすき)
-Play a song three times in a row with the same difficulty in Play mode
Dog Cat (いぬねこ)
-Beat the high-score of a song three times with the same difficulty in Play mode
Kung-Fu (カンフー)
-Reach the Normal Clear quota at the last note of a song in Play mode
Drum (つづみ)
-Fail a song after getting more than 200 crowns in Play mode
Goodbye (別れ話)
-Fail a song three times in a row with the same difficulty in Play mode
Wii U (うぃーゆー)
-Play 10 times with a different Taiko sound in Play mode
Miiverse Frames
Jungle (ジャングル)
-Get a combo of 300 notes while playing in Play mode
Spring Bloom (春らんまん)
-Get a combo of 765 notes while playing in Play mode
Don-chan Fantasy (どんちゃんファンタジー)
-Play with 70 different songs in Play mode
Candy (お菓子)
-Drumroll a total of 300 times or more overall
Wanted! (ウォンテッド!)
-Clear Pastel Sealane on Kantan
Live Venue (ライブ会場)
-Play with guest players 3 times
Atsumare☆Taiko no Tatsujin! (あつまれ☆太鼓の達人!)
-Earn all the Stamps of the Stamp Album
Growing Up
-Get Taiko hit counter to 1000
Boku wa Shinse (ボクハシンセ)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 2000
Houjou Yayoi (豊穣弥生)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 4000
Kuon no Yoru (久遠の夜)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 5000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 7000
Lisdoonvarna no Tasogare (リスドンヴァルナの黄昏)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 8000
Etude Op.10-4 (練習曲Op.10-4)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 10000
Ao no Senritsu (蒼の旋律)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 20000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 40000
Cycle of Rebirth (サイクル・オブ・リバース)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 50000
SORA-VI Hinotori (SORA-VI 火ノ鳥)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 70000
Saitama 2000 (さいたま2000)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 76500
X-DAY 2000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 87600
Soroban 2000 (十露盤2000)
-Get Taiko hit counter to 90000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 200000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 300000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 500000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 600000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 750000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 765765
-Get Taiko hit counter to 800000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 850000
-Get Taiko hit counter to 876876
-Get Taiko hit counter to 999999
Yuujou Pop (友情ぽっぷ)
-Get a combo of 50 notes while playing in Play mode
Radetzky March (ラデツキー行進曲)
-Play 1 time in Play mode
Tatakae! T3 Booei Tai~GDI mix~ (戦え!T3防衛隊 ~GDI mix~)
-Play 3 times in Play mode
Koi no Shohousen (恋の処方箋)
-Play 10 times in Play mode
Usagi no Shippo (うさぎのしっぽ)
-Play 20 times in Play mode
Ne~e Oshiete (ねぇ教えて)
-Play 40 times in Play mode
Robot Rock'n'Roll☆ (ロボットロケンロー☆ )
-Play 50 times in Play mode
Theme of Alexander (アレキサンダーのテーマ)
-Play 70 times in Play mode
Electric Postman (エレクトリック・ポストマン)
-Play 80 times in Play mode
Purple Rose Fusion
-Play 100 times in Play mode
Pastel Sealane
-Play 200 times in Play mode
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