This is my first ever 8 Song Medley Mode score. The songs were: Kurenai->Angel Dream->Wanya World->Don't Cut (Ura) -> Black Rose Apostle (Ura) -> Punishment -> Rotter Tarmination (Ura) -> Hatsune Miku no Gekishou (Ura). I combobroke on three songs: Wanya World (sadistic combobreaker on the Vocaloid gibberish part), Rotter Tarmination (would you look at the last 4 songs I picked? If I added M.Sai that would've killed my hand completely), Gekishou (too tired to even bother lol)
After the 1000 combo sound, the next comboburst sound is actually at 2000 combo. Don-chan blurting out "Niisen combo" kinda distracted me and thus I missed at 2336... lol.
And now time to horde post screenshots from Omikoshi Battle Story Mode
Yeah, you get to use this badass Omishiko over here. The orange taikos are your army.
Obligatory "....................." screenshot moment.
This was the cuteness overload shot I wanted everyone to see. Unfortunately it's not that cute just as a still image though... those orange drums fully animated to keep strumming on their drums... eep~
These screenshots indicate armies that you will battle for the first time. Notice the dark aura they're emitting? Early in the story, some dark entity temporarily took control of Don's body, which I think pretty much sets the plot of the story. I think.
When you win against these, Don sucks up the dark aura from these other Taikos. Actually that's kind of unnerving...
Notice how the setting in the background is your base. Yeah, random other armies come to challenge you in your base. If you refuse, your army count reduces by 1 (at least that's what hapened to me when I accidentally refused). Also notice how this army has 3 items with them.
When you get the bonus condition, your army literally runs over the opposition as they push it a lot of meters farther.
That's much better.
You didn't have to bring that face all the way to the base though...
You'll have to get used to being greeted like this everytime, as one day passes for every action you do. Also notice how the number of Orange Taikos in your army become more and more~
Why is there a slacker in the back though?
I've been challenged by some Taiko that almost looks like Katsu... lol
I've never seen Donko's OMG face clearer. Thanks 765~
Expected X30
No duh?
Lol can this situation get any worse?
Screenshot of the section in the base where you can view the ones you recruited. Here you see the description of Donko's support item.
Because we all know Kyuubey wasn't the first to popularize the unchanging-emotions face.
This is Mekadon's version of that epic stare.
Aaaand that's it.
Since I already got 3 people in the base, I might as well describe some of the items:
Tetsuo - Duration type. On activation, the Omishiko gauge increases by 1.5x faster for the duration of the support.
Donko - the Omishiko gauge gets filled on activation. I think this is useful for songs that are insanely note heavy and thus the gauge fills really slow
Mekadon - Duration type. On activation, Auto plays the notes for the duration of the item.