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NS2 (MP) |
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★5 (200) |
★7 (288) |
★8 (458) |
★10 (773) |
★10 (1090) |

We've heard of poxei♦︎DOON, we've heard of ARMAGEΔDON (not to mention the similarly-named final boss from the thrid PSP game!) and now (as in, June 2024's concept of "now") there's a new "-DON/-DOON" fiendish creature-made-original-song on town! Last year's 10th-Dan Ranking Dojo final hurdle to pass, GIGALODOON was made by Chimimouryo composer Laur and had its premiere in one of 2024's Taiko Team livestreams, before becoming publicly available both with its original set and as the Ura-donning hurdle to conquer across main Ranking Dojo challenges.
Curiously enough, in contrast with the former "-DON/-DOON" songs, we've got Etou penning a brief descriptior on social media about how the GIGALODOON in question looks like... one that was also referred to as "generally matching" by the same Laur on Twitter, so I guess this is as Taiko-canon as it gets! Etou's brief descriptor went as follows:
it's a cyborg-converted megalodon,
its swimming is so fast,
it can carry heavy weapons (missiles especially),
even to be in space is OK.
it can carry heavy weapons (missiles especially),
even to be in space is OK.
Additional story bits around its charting process from Etou were also relayed live on said reveal livestream in question, during No.11's first live run on the song. When charting the Ura Oni setting, Etou thought to make it a slight difficulty bump from the regular Oni due to the taxing BPM peaks, but the other Notecharter Sentai colleagues of his went along the line of "No no no, mr. Etou, please make it a bit harder", a request he did indulge threefold since the original chart's apparel while still upholding to the composer Laur's own request of "I want you to shake your head while playing it", still resulting in a difficult but straightforward approach to the 10-star demons of nowadays. The end-result is a regular Oni that feels like a buffed-up Venomous (normal Oni) chart-wise and an Ura variant that is more relyiant to 1/16 charting and handswitching overall. Particularly noxious is the halfaway portion where the pace breaks down in increments and it picks right up- overdoing that part takes just an instant!