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Monday, January 16, 2023

Twitter Snippets (January 16th, 2023) - A Blast From the Tenkaichi Past

One of the highlights of the third Taiko gaming generation was the franchise's involvment in the then-labeled Arcade Operator Unit's Tenkaichi Otogesai tournaments, gathering players to compete in multiple rhythm games with plenty of shared tracks between each series from old to tailor-made for these events. Sadly, this series is now a thing of the past, but that apparently didn't stop its discontinued Twitter handle to deliver this one tweet, today...

In what we could call a Synchronica Twitter handle moment, the Tenkaichi Otogesai account has shared from beyond the competition grave that a dedicated YouTube channel for the former editions of the event has been opened, with the full uploads of the finals held at JAEPO for each of its 5 different iterations. Feel free to hop along and bask at an event that only the attenders of the time could witness firsthand!

You can check out the just-opened YT channel with this link.