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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Namco Taiko Blog (May 11th, 2022) - Misc. Nijiiro Notices and the Song-Making Contest of the Tiger

The time is here, the time is now and it will be so until June 13th: the third Taiko no Tatsujin original song contest is officially open and welcoming of all artists' works worldwide! Once again, it is hosted by Nippon Columbia like last year's iteration and it will star the returning trio of Etou/Yuji Masubuchi/steμ as its judges, joined this year by planner/level designer and former Synchronica alumni SueP (すえP).

As previously advertised at passing glance, the big introduction for this year's song contest is the collected entries' assignment in two different camps for evaluation purposes: the 'Normal Recruitment' bracket and the newly-implemented 'Taiko no Tatsujin First Recruitment', designed to collect the works of those who've never had a song of their being made playable in Taiko gaming in the past. Those who only scored Honorable Mentions in the past and even multi-artist works can join the latter camp, as long as each of the involved composer/singer/contributor never took part in the making of a former Taiko-playable song. The 2022 song contest' website is already available at this link, already starring the core rules for it.

The latter half of the post is for another couple of Nijiiro-related notices to latch on. First of all, a new Ranking Dojo Gaiden trial will be made available to play this coming Sunday (May 14th); the theme is still unknown, but the code will be made available on that day alongside the other ones in the dedicated section of the Nijiiro Version website (link here).

Also, you've only got a few days left to punch in your Namco Original Revival requests in the Taiko Team poll that was opened up earlier this Spring! You have up until May 15th to join the fun (link here).

Link to original post