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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Namco Taiko Blog (May 17th-18th, 2022) - Gundam no Tatsujin and Nijiiro Year 3's Ranking Dojo Debut!


One handy post to both catch up some briefly-missed-out public announcement of the latest limited Taiko no Tatsujin venue, as well as one fresh news delivery concerning the arcade front's most challenging side mode to tackle! Ready for the trip?

The first point of interest concerns another Bandai Namco-affiliated property which just got some drumming connections to boot: the Fukuoka Lalaport's Gundam Park, opening its doors to the general public since April 25th at the 4th floor of Fukuoka's amusement park of the same name. Joining the ranks of this amusement corner is one particular Taiko no Tatsujin model, the likes of which are not to be seen anywhere else...

What you're looking at above and below these lines is a custom Nijiiro Version model which has been retrofit to give a Gundam spin to anyone's Taiko performances! From the exterior decals to the built-in Bachis and the custom sound effects bursting out of the cabinet, you too will have a taste of what does it feel like to drum it out in outer space as a giant mecha with bombastic special moves chanting! (or at least, we hope so not in the literal sense of the word)

We'll take advantage of the official blog entry's timing to also attack one of the early attenders' impact with the Gundam-powered Nijiiro Version arcade, showcasing a different title screen and the special sound effects popping out at every Don and Kat hit! According to venue attenders in general, however, software-wise this is just a Nijiiro Version firmware like any other one aside from the aestethic changes, meaning no limited playable tracks are to be found.


And now with today's blog entry, we finally got a clear deadline for the end of the ongoing Ranking Dojo main trial set and the release of the new one, respectively happening after May 31st (Y2 Nijiiro RD end) and around mid-June (Y3 Nijiiro Ranking Dojo start).

As always, a new year's Main Course set debuts only from the lowest rank -5th Kyu- up to 10th Dan; this time around, however, we're getting a gradual rank reveal that only goes for about half of the latter, with today's first (abridged) teaser stopping at 1st Dan. Take a gander and you'll see why...

Check out our Twitter account too, where we published an English-translated version of this partial reveal!

Your eyes are not deceiving you- coming up last in 1st Dan is a Variety-color-clad song whose name was never heard before around here! The song in question, Kill My Fortune from Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra, will also be made publicly available a few weeks prior to the Y3 Ranking Dojo launch, on May 21st.

March 2020/Nijiiro ver. New Track: May 21st, 2022

ᖽᐸᓰᒪᒪ ᘻᖻ ᖴᓍᖇᖶᑘᘉᘿ (1*) Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra
(1*) - The song's title ingame will be displayed in regular Roman font; the exotic lettering displayed here comes from the title used for the song's original upload on the composing unit's YouTube channel.

Links to the original blog entries:
Gundam Park Fukuoka meets Taiko no Tatsujin
Ranking Dojo 2022's First Reveal