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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Taiko no Tatsujin Donderful Festival / Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch)

At long last, the infamous round of patenting-lead leaks that has started on November last year is closed for good, with the announcement of the other game title being trademarked alongside the already-out The Drum Master happening via a worldwide-broadcast Nintendo Direct. As more tidbits in comparison were revealed on the Japanese run, that's the embeded video we're opening with!

First of all, it appears we're in for a new story-driven setting, with the introduction of a white cotton-candy-looking critter befrending Don-chan and friends. Gameplay-wise, it looks eerily similar to the Gen4 model started by The Drum Master, with similar font choices, the in-game song-running-time gauge, shared default songs (MEGALOVANIA among those) and MyDon dress-up Taiko drum customization with a shop to purchase parts from. However, for some reason, we are going back to 3rd-gen scoring? (MEGALOVANIA Muzukashii has 2510 points per note in 4th-gen) Okay.

What is looking unique from the Xbox/PC cloud gaming debut, however, are a set number of side modes for both lone rangers and a party of up to 4 players, ranging from a section-practicing mode a-la Kettei-ban/Chogouka-ban from the Wii days to competitive modes where you either play a song with its chart getting split among the participants or a tug-of-war with visual distractions which doesn't stray that far away from former home console Nintendo Taikos' multiplayer spins to it. Last but not least are the final details shared, pointing to a generic 'later this year' release date and announcing a (paid) song subscription service "Taiko Music Pass" at launch, boasting more than 500 songs to pick and choose from!

Outside the reveal trailer, more preliminary intel can also be scouted between the game's entry on the official Nintendo website (link; US site) and the game's own Japanese website, available here. One closer look and online matchmaking is already out of the bag for Donderful/Rhythm Festival, no 2-years-later update required! Among all these places, we've already gathered a sample of what the game is about to offer, including a few unheard-of licensed tunes for Pops fans as well as the Legend of Zelda main theme, coming back in yet another unique form.

Revealed Track List

Natsu Matsuri

Feel Special ★? ★? ★? ★?
DDU-DU DDU-DU ★2 ★2 ★4 ★7
I LOVE... ★?
Yoru ni Kakeru
★1 ★2 ★4 ★8
Dakara Boku wa Ongaku o Yameta Yorushika
★1 ★2 ★4 ★6★8

Ao to Natsu
★2 ★2 ★3 ★6
Zen Zen Zense Your Name.
★3 ★4 ★6★8
Gurenge Kimetsu no Yaiba
★2 ★2 ★3 ★6 ★8
Kaikai Kitan Eve/TV Anime Jujutsu Kaisen 1st Cour Opening Theme
/Eve TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』第1クールオープニングテーマ
★4 ★5 ★6 ★8
Funiculi Funicula

★3 ★6 ★6 ★7
William Tell Overture Gioachino Rossini
★3 ★5 ★7
The Legend of Zelda Main Theme
ゼルダの伝説 メインテーマ
★? ★? ★? ★?
★4 ★5 ★7 ★9
Key: red = series debutblue = console debut

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