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Thursday, July 1, 2021

First Video: Nijiiro ver. June 2021 Upda-TAKTAKTAKTAKTAKTAK

As the weather heats up, it's time to refresh your arcade-going experience with some latest licensed additions! and learn why you can't trust abacuses

Turing Love feat. Sou/Akari Nanawo
  NayutalieN/Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It
チューリングラブ feat.Sou/ナナヲアカリ
  ナユタン星人 「理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた。」より
★2 ★5 ★6 ★8

Make debut! Uma Musume Pretty Derby OP Theme
  TVアニメ『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』OP主題歌より
★3 ★5 ★4 ★7

Venom (feat. flower) Kairiki Bear
★2 ★4 ★6 ★8

NayutalieN's latest inclusion Turing Love features high-density but low BPM 16th patterns that take more from the tight vocals by Sou and Akari Nanawo, landing for a medium-low ★8 with a technical focus.

Make debut! from the recent Uma Musume anime lends its notechart to mid-high ★7 with a healthy mix of 16th triples and common 16th 5-hit clusters among its 8th-note base.

Despite with unconventional title layout (featured Vocaloid in the main title instead of in the subtitle), Venom takes the title of the hardest new notechart in this update with hanging doubles, and an involved bridge between the two choruses under consecutive even-number clusters.

Unfortunately, these three tracks are NOT available outside of Japan as of this writing. But we do have a slightly more secretive discovery that affects all locales and hence warrants the "acgen4 asia" tag. Scroll on to find out...

Those who dare to scroll all the way down here, welcome. We regret to inform you that the Donder community at large has missed that Soroban 2000 has changed its secret Morse-code messages in the 2021/04/21 update (the one that added the somunia tie-in tracks) until a few days ago.

Diff. Code
20年前あなたは何をしていましたか あの頃の私はゲームセンターで 円盤を回したり 棒で叩いたり うわなにをするやめろ
What were you doing 20 years ago? I around that time would go to arcade centers to spin disks or hit around with sticks or- Woah, what are you doing, stop!
20年後あなたは何をしていますか 私はきっと森の奥深くで 妖精さんに囲まれて 一緒にネトゲで楽しく暮らすのうふふ
What would you be doing 20 years into the future? I would definitely hide deep inside forests, surrounded by fairies and play online games together happily ever after, hehehe
エトウズキッチン ピーナツ ニンニク オリーブオイルに大葉 ミキサーかけて パルメザンチーズとたこをあえて パスタでどうぞ
Etou's Kitchen: Mix peanuts, garlic, olive oil and shiso with a blender, add onto pasta with parmesan cheese and octopus, and enjoy
存在しないものが存在する時 あなたはとある判断を迫られる 深淵を覗く時 深淵もまたこちらを覗いているのだ
When the non-existent exists, you are forced with a certain decision; when you look into the abyss, the abyss will also be looking back towards your end