Fresh from the latest song pack, this new Oni mode for the Chibi Maruko-chan opening theme scores a 9-star extra Oni challenge with a barrage of old-school 1/16 clusters with no modern gimmicks spliced in, for a brief yet intense stamina challenge not very much dissimilar to No Way Back's regular Oni.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
First Video: Odoru Pompokorin (Ura)
Fresh from the latest song pack, this new Oni mode for the Chibi Maruko-chan opening theme scores a 9-star extra Oni challenge with a barrage of old-school 1/16 clusters with no modern gimmicks spliced in, for a brief yet intense stamina challenge not very much dissimilar to No Way Back's regular Oni.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Dokidoki Don-chan Sawagi Lyrics
Composition, Lyrics: Torine (トリ音)
Vocal: Miki Narahashi (ならはしみき)
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Song of the Week! 26 November 2016

It's been a while since our last Ura song feature on this space, isn't it?
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Twitter Snippets (24 November 2016) - Random Composer Facts, Round 3
プログレッシブな新曲とは一体・・・!?石黒千尋さんとはるなばさんのステキコラボ、楽しみだドン!!はるなばさんも、いつもありがドンございますー!!— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 24 novembre 2016
今度は一体どんな新曲なのカッ!?続報をお楽しみに!石黒千尋さん、いつもありがドンございます!— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 24 novembre 2016
Of all the most recent external composers, Harunaba sure has quite the unique track record in Taiko games: first a composer who rose to glory multiple times thanks to multiple CreoFUGA contests, one of his Vocaloid songs starring Yuzuki Yukari has let the artist to come back years later as a commissioned artist for brand new songs featuring Chihiro Ishiguro -the human voice behind Yuzuki Yukari- as the singer!
We've seen this couple in action in the past with Ghost Mask and Tabaneito, and now they're apparently done recording their next piece at Bandai Namco headquarters, as the re-tweeted comments from the two artists also state. According to Harunaba, the song is going to be 'more progressive than usual', but in which sense?
3DS3 Update: Proudly Swing Your Bachi (in the form of styluses): December 3DS3 DLC

Following the rest of the Fuun! Bachio Sensei ramblings are other regular 3DS3 DLC items also available starting December 1.
DLC: December Free Download
セイクリッド ルイン×サカモト教授 Sacred Ruin x Prof. Sakamoto
DLC: Winter Break Anime Pack (500 yen +tax)
「仮面ライダーエグゼイド」より Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
映画「名探偵コナン 業火の向日葵」より Detective Conan: Sunflowers of Inferno
「プリパラ」より PriPara
「暗殺教室」より Assassination Classroom
「ちびまる子ちゃん」より Chibi Maruko-chan
DLC: Fuun! Bachio Sensei (200 yen +tax)
Namco Taiko Blog (November 24 2016) - Blast from the Past with AC0, 3DS3 and iOS/Android
Daifuku (proud owner of Litten) brings us news about classic Namco Original songs making proud returns to the Taiko no Tatsujin scene.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Twitter Snippets (22 November 2016) - CREATE a Nice Couple with a COOL Wedding
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 22 novembre 2016
With last Monday being as dormant as usual and tomorrow being another Japanese national holiday (Labour Thanksgiving Day), it's expected that the week that's upon us is tending to be one of the news-absent ones, with tweets and retweets from the Taiko Team to keep the climate a little bit active. It's also good to hear that for once there isn't something bad happening through a tweet communication for today in the gaming-related musical realdom!
Over the Internet is being spread that Beat Mario, founder of the Touhou-related doujin circle COOL&CREATE, is getting married and sharing the joy of the event in live broadcast form! With many of his songs appearing in rhythm gaming, the official feeds of the Taiko no Tatsujin and Groove Coaster series have sent their best regards for the happy celebration, with the one tweet above coming (of course!) from our familiar-looking grounds.
Once again, due to LTD it's been decided that the Taiko Team's Twitter activities will be suspended only to return with the next blog entry's release.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Game Music Showcase: Chain Chronicle Medleys
Released in Japan in early 2014 (and December 2014 for the rest of the world), Chain Chronicle is a portable role-playing game about monster enhancement like many others in the smartphone grounds (Puzzle & Dragons very much included), developed by gumi Inc. (a company, not the Vocaloid) and published by Sega. The game is set in the fantasy world of Yggdra, where the mysterious Black Army is raiding the land after the death of the Holy King, a peaceful monarch who managed to unify the entire world in harmony. Players take the control of their Hero character who has been put in charge of leading the Volunteer Army, an independent group of warriors and strategists who fight to repel the Black Army's troops from the land.
Chain Chronicle's gameplay is set on a 6x3 square-checked field, where the players can move up to 5 ally units and send them to attack the enemy with a wide arrangement of allies joining the Volunteer Army, each with their special abilities and backstories/bonding to be developed by the players through a huge number of quests and Player vs Enemy modes against other Chain Chronicle players. The game was also available for Playstation Vita devices, hence the reason behind the first medley making its debut on V Version. While the main Japanese version of Chain Chronicle is still running strong, the Global version (for Europe and America players) has closed up shop in 2016, on February 29th.
Taiko no Tatsujin and Chain Chronicle have crossedtheir paths in several occasions between 2015 and 2016, thanks to a couple of special collaboration events which lead the most up-to-date Taiko games of the time to get medleys based on the app's BGMs from different portions.
Chain Chronicle's gameplay is set on a 6x3 square-checked field, where the players can move up to 5 ally units and send them to attack the enemy with a wide arrangement of allies joining the Volunteer Army, each with their special abilities and backstories/bonding to be developed by the players through a huge number of quests and Player vs Enemy modes against other Chain Chronicle players. The game was also available for Playstation Vita devices, hence the reason behind the first medley making its debut on V Version. While the main Japanese version of Chain Chronicle is still running strong, the Global version (for Europe and America players) has closed up shop in 2016, on February 29th.
Taiko no Tatsujin and Chain Chronicle have crossedtheir paths in several occasions between 2015 and 2016, thanks to a couple of special collaboration events which lead the most up-to-date Taiko games of the time to get medleys based on the app's BGMs from different portions.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Song of the Week! 19 November 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon was released yesterday (except if you're European... *sigh*). Did you know for the longest time I kinda hoped that the new generation would have been based on the Okinawa islands?
Wait, why am I talking about Pokemon when I don't really play the games? Oh yeah: Okinawa-themed Fraud Rating Special!
Friday, November 18, 2016
First Video: Masakari Blade
At long last, a new rhythm game FUNGA! (Urk, I mean cross-over. What was I thinking...)
...anyway, Sound Voltex's Masakari Blade just reached AOU-affiliated Taiko arcades and, once again, we're dealing with a not-full-starred Oni challenge over here, mostly made of sparse small note clusters and dashes of 1/24 trickery to keep tensions high.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Namco Taiko Blog (17 November 2016): Want to hear more? Notecharter Interview 8
It's time for another Notecharter Sentai interview! For this instance, rookie notecharter Yamaguchi (ヤマグチ) has stepped in to write down the interview recently made for one of his more-experienced (but still relatively newcomer) colleagues: Shika@ni~San (しか@に~さん).
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Twitter Snippets (16 November 2016) - Happy 5th Anniversary, Taiko 0!
【祝】本日はゲームセンター版太鼓の達人のゲーム機がリニューアルして幾年…つまり誕生日です!沢山のお祝いメッセージ本当にありがドンございます!よろしければ #太鼓の達人の思い出 をお聞かせください!これからも太鼓の達人は、常に新しく、誰もが楽しめる国民的音楽ゲームとして頑張るドン!— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 16 novembre 2016
It's hard to believe how much time has passed since the coming of hi-definition Taiko arcades for the ongoing generation but sure enough, 5 years ago it was the launch day of the very first arcade successor to Taiko 14, bringing to the table a slew of new features that made the disjointed removal of arcade songs a thing of the past (... well... to an extent) while enhancing the overall experience with its many online-related features.
Here's to 5 more years for the current Taiko build and its literal color palette of firmware upgrades!
All In My Heart Lyrics
Artist: Somei-yoshino (ソメイヨシノ)
Vocals: Miyu Takaki (高木美佑) (Wake Up, Girls!)
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
First Video: Red ver. V5.08 New Songs
It's an update day for a licensed-tracks parade! See what's new after the jump.
Addendum (20:31 JPT): You Got A O-tomodachi video found.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Tenkaichi Otogesai 3 Postcards, Taiko Edition

We're back again to talk about the third edition of the Tenkaichi Otogesai cross-over tournament, due to the Taiko no Tatsujin-themed special broadcast which was aired hours ago.
After the jump are the most noteworthy elements of the run!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Song of the Week! 12 November 2016

For today that is the 12th day of this month, here's a little something that comes from another kind of media that is related to the number!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Across Japan (November 11 2016): Get Spooky, Get Squishy: Red ver. Asia Version Update (V3.06)

But hey you know what would be a great ret-con addition during the Red ver. lifespan?
New Songs: November 15 (Red ver. Asia V3.06)
「妖怪ウォッチ」より Yokai Watch

ナユタン星人 feat. 初音ミク Nayutan Seijin feat. Hatsune Miku
New Songs: November 16
紅 Kurenai
やわらか戦車 Yawaraka Sensha
New Songs: November 16
Link to original post
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Namco Taiko Blog (10 November 2016) - Game-on! Taiko Livestream and Red Version V5.08
Today we've had a double dose of blog updates from the team, with the first one being about the Tenkaichi Otogesai-related livestream that is airing next week. They'll be playing the transplanted song Masakari Blade from SOUND VOLTEX in advance (together with 10 other Namco Originals just for fun), but aside from that nothing much is said that we didn't already know, so hit us at this link for the broadcast's scheduled beginning time and Nicovideo links.
After the jump is the content of the next blog post, featuring the new additions to Red Version!
First Video: 3DS3's New November 2016 DLC Songs
A little bit past the Greenwich Midnight, let's see what the Land of the Rising Sun's Midnight of a few hours back has introduced to portable Taiko gaming!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Game-on! x Tenkaichi Otogesai 3 feat. Taiko no Tatsujin

Remember the follow-up livestream focusing on Taiko no Tatsujin Red ver.'s side of the third Tenkaichi Otogesai? The link is now up! The content will of course include Tenkaichi Otogesai news, and hands-on plays of Masakari Blade coming to Taiko no Tatsujin.
Time: 2016/11/14 20:00~ (opens 19:50)
People: Etou, Daifuku and Game-on! hosts
Twitter Snippets (4 November 2016) - In a Desperate Conflict With a Ruthless Touchscreen
【ビジュアル新曲クイズ:11月答え】— シンクロニカ公式@11/17 新曲発射 (@Synchronica_prj) 4 novembre 2016
ズォールヒ~~↑wwwwヴィヤーンタースwwwwwワース フェスツwwwwwwルオルwwwwwプローイユクwwwwwwダルフェ スォーイヴォーwww#シンクロニカ
Just like DJ YOSHITAKA's FLOWER is for bemani rhythm games, it's becoming abundantly clear how BMS composers siromaru and Cranky's conflict loves to travel rounds across different series!
According to this tweet from last week, it looks like its next stop is with Bandai Namco's Synchronica, as some background screens from the song in action are showcased among other updated material that is about to go live sometime later this month.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Twitter Snippets (8 November 2016) - Red Version's Next Update
【速報】11/15(火)に太鼓の達人 レッドVer.の次回アップデートが実施決定!キッズからティーンまで、みんなが知っている新曲に新要素ばっちり準備しています~!詳細発表は、今週木曜日の予定です!ご期待ください!(新要素は例のアレなのカッ!?)— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 8 novembre 2016
While Red Version's current arcade situation seems quite stale at the moment, it looks like this is going to change next week, as there will be a new update going live on November 15th! If you want to know what's inside, see you in two days for the Taiko Team's next blog entry.
We take advantage of this post to also warn you about our latest minor changes, as we've updated both the General Medley and School Matters song showcases with a couple of new song inclusions. Bare in mind, however, that the GM page update is a transitional one, as we're planning to move the Chain Chronicle songs in their own separate page, seeing how now there are 3+ songs for this medley Taiko trope.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Twitter Snippets (November 7 2016): Huis Ten Bosch Is Still On With More Songs
【お知らせ】ハウステンボスさんの「3Dプロジェクションマッピング太鼓の達人」にて、収録曲が更新されました。— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) November 7, 2016
We are going to assume the Huis Ten Bosch 3D Projection Mapping Taiko no Tatsujin is not going to end any time soon. So here are more new songs (and some removals)!
3D Projection Mapping Taiko no Tatsujin Adds: November 2016
Namco Taiko Blog (November 7 2016): Saiki Kusuo 3DS Collaboration
Following our 3DS3 DLC announcement, let's also see the collaboration efforts with the game Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan: Shijou Psi-dai no Psi-nan!? (斉木楠雄のΨ難 史上Ψ大のΨ難!?), as from today's Namco Taiko Blog.
First is the Saiki Kusuo anime's theme song Psi Desu I LIKE YOU (Ψです I LIKE YOU) available as a series debut playable song in the Super Popular Anime Pack:
The pack also comes with Kusuo Saiki himself as battle member in Mystery Adventure mode, with a skill dealing mass damage sometimes:
In return, the Saiki Kusuo game will feature a Don-chan patterned happi coat (どんちゃん柄のはっぴ) unlockable by QR code scanning. Watch out for the upcoming issues of Shounen Jump, V Jump for the code, and the Saiki Kusuo game main site for more info on the game generally.
Link to original post
3DS3 Update: Collaborating Here and There: November 3DS3 DLC

Being a part of the anime and videogame conglomerate that is Bandai Namco opens a lot of collaboration opportunities, as 3DS3 DLC will exemplify starting November 10.
In particular, see more about the collaborative efforts with The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 3DS game in a Namco Taiko Blog feature later.
DLC: November Free Download
ドラゴンボールフュージョンズ Dragon Ball Fusions
Outfit: サマードンチャン Summer Don-chan
DLC: Super Popular Anime Pack (500 yen +tax)
「ワンピース」より One Piece
「NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝」より Naruto: Shippuden
「斉木楠雄のΨ難」より The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
「ワールドトリガー」より World Trigger
「銀魂゜」より Gintama゜
Battle Member: Kusuo Saiki 斉木楠雄
DLC: 2001 Namco Original Pack (500 yen +tax)
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