プログレッシブな新曲とは一体・・・!?石黒千尋さんとはるなばさんのステキコラボ、楽しみだドン!!はるなばさんも、いつもありがドンございますー!! https://t.co/1Sb9hjHZgb— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 24 novembre 2016
今度は一体どんな新曲なのカッ!?続報をお楽しみに!石黒千尋さん、いつもありがドンございます! https://t.co/yc68E4wpIR— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 24 novembre 2016
Of all the most recent external composers, Harunaba sure has quite the unique track record in Taiko games: first a composer who rose to glory multiple times thanks to multiple CreoFUGA contests, one of his Vocaloid songs starring Yuzuki Yukari has let the artist to come back years later as a commissioned artist for brand new songs featuring Chihiro Ishiguro -the human voice behind Yuzuki Yukari- as the singer!
We've seen this couple in action in the past with Ghost Mask and Tabaneito, and now they're apparently done recording their next piece at Bandai Namco headquarters, as the re-tweeted comments from the two artists also state. According to Harunaba, the song is going to be 'more progressive than usual', but in which sense?