東方ゲームショウ2016のポスターが完成しました! カタログを委託している同人書店さんや、都心のタイトーステーションさんなどで順次掲示予定です! ! ゲームショウの詳細についてはこちら>https://t.co/dMtKCay3Fz pic.twitter.com/DTesDK9Oqg— 博麗神社社務所 (@HakureijinjyaS) 23 aprile 2016
Less than one week from the yearly Chokaigi's beginning, the official Twitter account of the Hakurei Shrine Reitasai events has put a nice reminder in visual tweet form about the limited content that's going to grace multiple music game franchises in the Niconico-powered convention.
What has been sent today by said Twitter profile (and retweeted by the Taiko Team), however, points the finger at a more juicy operation brewing at the same time...
発表おめでドーン!「博麗神社例大祭コラボユニット曲」は、ニコニコ超会議2016の例大祭超濃縮版エリア、第13回博麗神社例大祭の、それぞれの出展筐体にて太鼓の達人で遊べます!是非遊びに来てくださいね!待ってるドーン! https://t.co/3FlNI1UnNQ— 太鼓チーム(5/9再開予定) (@taiko_team) 25 aprile 2016
In occasion of the Touhou Project series's 21st anniversary, many popular Touhou doujin circles are banding together for the Uta-Matsuri festival, performing together in a July concert this year. What's more, however, is that a brand-new collaboration song is actually scheduled for a simultaneous release in several rhythm games, all at once!
Heading to the Uta-Matsuri's dedicated page for this project (link), it's already possible to have a rough schedule of this song's progressive formation: it'll be showcased an early version of the song at the incoming Chokaigi (April 29/30) for the latest arcade titles in the Taiko no Tatsujin and SOUND VOLTEX series, it'll be playable in both arcades during the next Reitasai (May 8th) and it'll be publicly available a month later (Mid-June) to the two aforementioned franchises at the same time, together with Sega's Chunithm and Taito's Groove Coaster.
To have a scope of what we're looking for, this song will be made by six different doujin circles, including some familiar names to Taiko grounds (COOL & CREATE, Kishiga Ryouran and the Akeboshi Rockets, A-One, Alstroemeria Records, Yuuhei Satellite) and the Taiko return of indie unit Butaotome (豚乙女). That's quite the ensemble we'll get here!
As a post-scriptum note, we also report through the following tweet that the anticipated Cranky remix of Help me, ERINNNNNN!! will also be playable in the latest title of the Groove Coaster series (GC 3 Link Fever) at both the Niconico Chokaigi and Reitasai.
GWはイベント盛りだくさん!4/29「ケイブ祭り」!4/29,30「ニコニコ超会議」!5/8「博麗神社例大祭」!ビートまりお×Crankyによるあの曲も登場!— グルーヴコースター公式@4/13新曲! (@groove_coaster) 25 aprile 2016
詳細⇒https://t.co/sMYP7gxJ0e#グルコス pic.twitter.com/jujGdtrB1n