For the first Classic song feature of the year, let's take a look at a niche, console exclusive arrangement from the Sony-oriented Taiko games.
【緊急告知】「NAMCO SOUNDS」のクリエイターがお届けするUSTREAM番組『NAMCO SOUNDS ONLINE』第2回目放送日が決定!2月27日(金)21:30配信スタート予定!http://t.co/C7z7p9XdDs #namcoso
— NAMCO SOUNDS (@NAMCOSOUNDS) 12 Febbraio 2015
2/27「NAMCO SOUNDS ONLINE」Ust放送はゲストに細江慎治さんをお迎え!太鼓でも「Rotter Tarmination」等で有名ですよね♪さらにオーディオ刑事新作が放送予定!お楽しみに! http://t.co/AfYp42q6JW #namcoso
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 25 Febbraio 2015
A few hours ago, the Taiko Team's Twitter page began advertising the latest NAMCO SOUNDS ONLINE broadcast with some of the Taiko-related content that is going to be there. Two are the major highlights: Shinji "Sampling Masters Mega" Hosoe talking about the creation of Namco Original classic Rotter Tarmination and the return of the infamous 'Audio Deka' mini-series, starring Taiko Team member Masubutchi Yuuji itself on the stream
本日はJAEPOショーのビジネスデーという事で、一足先に会場にお邪魔しております。ムラサキVer.も、ブース左手でバッチリ稼働中です。明日は立つドンTシャツを着て、レッツドン♪ pic.twitter.com/yT8tszRWDZ
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) February 13, 2015
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) February 10, 2015
Have you been waiting for the AOU Tenkaichi Otogesai limited songs to go out to the rest of Japan (fingers crossed for overseas too)? From the union's special Twitter feed we now know they intended that the big date to be February 15, 2015, and each maker releasing their own announcements on February 12. With also Murasaki ver.'s partial initial song list we are bound for a decently scope-filled Thursday!
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) February 10, 2015
And foreseeing as they are, we are already talking about a second Tenkaichi Otogesai. Do you want it to happen? When, where and how do you want it? What games and songs do you want to see? AOU will commence collecting mass opinions for this after the end of JAEPO 2015. Feel free to provide constructive suggestions to push this forward!
【告知】太鼓の達人 ムラサキVer.発表!&2/14JAEPOで先行体験実施!気になる新曲は…来週の開発日記(2/12)で発表します!お楽しみに! #taiko765 pic.twitter.com/iIGsFCOKny
— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 6 Febbraio 2015