First, overseas Donders must have feel a bit left out not seeing STAGE 0.ac11 on a promotional appearance, after the livestream challenge last week (even after a whole day like last time's PaPaPa Love). Fret not, you are not forgotten! It is on a different week (June 14~22), that's all.
先日のニコ生の10万コメント達成プレゼントの「STAGE 0.ac11」ですが、アジア版でも今週末の6/14(土)から6/22(日)まで、期間限定で解放されます!
— 太鼓チーム@6/14全国大会決勝戦! (@taiko_team) June 10, 2014
Speaking of late appearances, Etou also confirmed with a commentor that Yuugen no Ran, the long-dreaded new Zeami song, will be available punctually on June 15 if you got it from attending the Finals just as promised (if you discount the 8-month rain check).
@yagiccho_taiko こんにちは!東京も蒸し暑かったりしますね><っと、幽玄ノ乱ですが、6/15からプレイ可能、であっています!
— 太鼓チーム@6/14全国大会決勝戦! (@taiko_team) June 10, 2014