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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Twitter Snippets (April 8-9, 2014) - Update on Song Deletion and Prankster-ific Statistics

With Etou taking a break from overseeing the official Taiko Team Twitter feed (as announced in a tweet yesterday), Takemoto drops in to bring us an important update on the massive song deletion seen on the AC0 Momoiro cabinet, and some statistic regarding a certain song.

Due to a mistake on the staff, the time for the 20-song deletion should have been April 10 07:00 (Japan Time) instead of April 9 as stated previously. Those 20 songs will still be playable today, and will be officially deleted tomorrow.

In other news, Kidaruma 2000's one-day exclusive appearance has attracted Donders to see it in play in HD. Although it was previously stated "data such as crowns and score will not be kept", Taiko Team did compile some statistics out of all the plays on the song.

These two tables list the top five performers, respectively in regular and Shin-uchi scoring systems. The columns are, from the left, player name, score, numbers of Great, Good, missed and drumroll hits, maximum combo and other options that is used. Congratulations on their Donderful achievements!

Embedded image permalink

As an ending reminder, Etou will return to the Twitter-verse tomorrow (April 10) with another blog post, and also on April 11's exciting livestream. See you then!

Related tweets:
Etou announcing break from Twitter feed until April 10
Song deletion blunder, now happens April 10 07:00
Top 5 Kidaruma 2000 players