Monday, May 30, 2011

Namco Taiko Blog (30 May 2011) - Taiko 10th anniversary 2nd big news!

Wanna know what it is?


...just the official announcement of Namco's collaboration with Ponta and Lawson giving out SMOKY THRILL and the extra costume, which we all knew about weeks ago when the other party (P&L) ungracefully leaked the news all over its PSP DX preorder page.

Now I don't like to sound negative, but this is probably only a big event for the developers only. They are the ones making the big bucks whenever some random company decides to cooperate with them (probably also the reason why Namco was obligated to put this on the front page). For people like us who aren't making the game itself, even the announcement of White Rose Insanity gets us more excited than this. I really hope the remaining eight (seven if you count Taiko AC15 being in there somewhere) won't be something this insignificant.

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