Thursday, May 19, 2011

Namco Taiko Blog (19 May 2011) - Taiko PSP DX new songs!

After two weeks of basically nothing but casual chat, Namco finally dropped the bombshell- a second wave of songs to hit Taiko PSP DX, some of which you will be very, VERY pleased to hear about! Read on!

First bombshell! Classic genre, one new song and four classics, one of which is a popular remix left out during PSP's absence.

Pavane for a Dead Princess (亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ ~きみのこどう~)
Violin Concerto in Re Minor (バイオリン協奏曲ホ短調)
Kare Kano Kanon (カレ・カノ・カノン)
Radetsky March (ラデツキー行進曲 J.シュトラウス(1世))
Light Cavalry Overture (「軽騎兵」序曲から スッペ)

Then, Namco Original! Get ready to scream!

DokoDON MatsuRhythm (ドコDON☆まつリズム) (theme song, and most punny one at that)
Black Rose Apostle (we all knew this was coming, didn't we?)
Taiyou mo Yapapa (太陽もヤッパッパー) (in line with Namco reviving their oldest songs for console again)
Ra Moreena Kumonai (ラ・モレーナ・クモナイ)
Akuugan Yuuei ac12.5(亜空間遊泳ac12.5)
Sengoku Sangen(戦国三弦)

Then, J-Pop! Best Taiko news of the century?


They'll reveal more J-Pop and Anime songs in the coming month too! Never thought I'd see the day when a J-Pop list could be so exciting to reveal.

And that's all...

....or is it?

There is one more song they'd like to talk about, and it's coming to PSP DX too. It's....

White Rose Insanity

You heard right! Black Rose Apostle is getting a sequel, and an exact opposite to its own theme! Now what do we do with its Song of the Week article? This is just too thrilling...There's a music sample of White Rose Insanity on PSP DX's official site if you want to hear it- and I highly suggest you do! The sample will be up from 1PM onwards today. Artist? Well, who else but Zeami! There's an interview of Zeami and the Taiko staff right below, and the vocalist for the song, who also hides behind a pseudonym '狂'. I'll get to deciphering the interview in a bit. For now, enjoy the creation of the 'Rose' series!

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